If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Address of the President of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan. Expert opinion – Y. Sydykov

Address of the President of Kazakhstan to the people of Kazakhstan. Expert opinion – Y. Sydykov - e-history.kz
On November 11, 2014 the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev addressed the Message to the people of Kazakhstan and declared new economic policy of the state "Nurly zhol – a Way to the Future".

Web portal e-history. kz prepared a series of exclusive interviews to the scientific intellectuals of the country about the new message to the people of Kazakhstan. The rector of the Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov Y. Sydykov shared his view.


Y. Sydykov, the rector of Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov

The annual Message of the President — is the historical document. In each Message to the people of Kazakhstan of previous years, strategically important tasks, which need to be executed in specific periods, are defined.
The message of this year also corresponds to the selected way. The bright future is waiting the people of Kazakhstan. “Nurly zhol — is the base for creation of our future progress.

The Leader of the nation emphasized that the all activity of our country is tightly connected to development of the road trunk, as speed of our entry to the level of developed countries and how far we are competitive, depends on it.

“The road — a source of healthy activity — said Nursultan Nazarbayev. — All regions shall communicate among themselves via train, highways and air ways. Astana shall turn into the intersection where roads of all country meet, also become a place of inspiration and creation.

Improvement of internal communication between regions will inevitably lead us to improvement of economic power of the country. Also it will strengthen trade relations and economic relations of areas with each other, will open the new markets within the country”. Thus, goals and their achievement — it is the principal sense of the Message of the President.

“Nurly zhol” — the document concerning all citizens of Kazakhstan and their future. From history we know, what victories reached the country which defined the way and the purposes in advance.

Now, when our country is independent, it can plan for near 30 years. Nurly zhol — it is prosperity of the people and our safe life.

“We, being guided by idea of Mangilik el, our national idea, converted our way of independence to Nurly zhol for which we shall work continuously.‘Mangilik el’ — it is force that integrate the country. It is not only ‘Strategy Kazakhstan-2050’, unshakable ideological pedestal of Kazakhstan of the 21st century. Mangilik el — it is the Kazakhstan patriotism, it is the great value of all Kazakhstan society” — said the President in the Message.

N. Nazarbayev marked that 2015 — is year of anniversaries and an assessment of today’s achievements. This year we will celebrate the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate, the 20th anniversary of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and the Constitution of Kazakhstan and 70th anniversary of the Great Victory.
All methods that necessary for implementation the idea “Mangilik el” and “Nurly zhol” should to be brought to consciousness of the people. Only then responsibility of each Kazakhstan citizen before the state and the nation will increase.

I would like to pay more attention to the Message “Nurly zhol — a way to the future” of the President intended for the youth.

Firstly, huge amounts of money from the budget had been selected for support of education and 10 strongest authoritative higher education institutions of our country, which conform to requirements of the international standards. Existence of such institutions says that we oriented to the most developed countries.

Today, huge investments were made to the education sphere in all developed countries, as it pays the best interest. As the result, without having rich natural resources, these states became successful.

Secondly, from 2015 180 billion tenge will be allocated for construction of houses for young families. Also the initial contribution won’t be necessary, and low interest rate will be guaranteed. The President was right with such decision, considering the fact that about 80 percent of young families in Kazakhstan have no own house.

Thirdly, today the international consent in our country — is an example for the whole world. In this regard on June 28, 2013 in Eurasian National University named after L. Gumilyov the chair of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan was opened. The main task of chair — carrying out serious researches on the basis of the experience of Assembly of the people of Kazakhstan and associations studying and evaluating an international consent. The work of the department was led by the deputy of the Senate of Parliament Anatoly Bashmakov.

There is a saying that there is a unity — there is a life. The head of our state calls us for responsibility. The new program of the President “Nurly zhol will give us strengths on the way to prosperity, achievement of tops and stability”.
