If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Genealogy in Kazakh history

Genealogy in Kazakh history - e-history.kz

Since ancient times, there have been people who grew up immersed in historical stories and passed them on to the people. Kazakhs call those people genealogists or genealogists. First of all, the word genealogy is a valuable historical heritage that is handed down from the elders from century to century. From the Arabic language, genealogy means a branch of a tree, but in ancient Mongolian and Turkic languages, it is considered a spiritual heritage or memory-enhancing knowledge. For example, if we consider the Mongolian language, "genealogy" is pronounced "tseejeer", and in Kalmyks "genealogy" is called "cheedzhir dash", and in Tuva - "sheezhileer", the meaning of which is "memory, memory, knowledge in human memory, recitation".

In the Kazakh language, "genealogy" is preserved not only in the sense of "distribution of the family line", but also in the meaning of "genealogy", "history", and "yad" entered the Kazakh language from Persian to denote "remembering" - "remember", to memorize, to memorize. The root of the word "is from the words "remember", "memory", "image". Therefore, in order to correctly understand the origin of this word and the original meaning of this word, it allows us to expand the meaning of the term "genealogy" in the Kazakh language. In fact, the concept of "genealogy" is often used in the sense of "history" rather than just "genealogy". In Kazakhs, the concept of "genealogy" and "history" gives a unique meaning.

The genealogy is considered as a continuing historical tradition in the form of oral "historical legend" and "old saying" of nomadic tribes. In the line of historical and genealogical legends, it is sometimes described in connection with the origin of the khans, who were recognized as aristocrats, and sometimes with the genealogy of the people who followed a nomadic way of life. The clan-tribal system of the Kazakh people is reflected in many versions of the mentioned genealogy, and their ethno-social structural system is included.

Hundred and three small lions found in Chezhiremyz, the youngest of them descended from Bekarys. If we delve into the genealogy, Ordash flows through Bekarys, Shanshar from Ordash, Tokpan from Shanshar, Alau from Tokpan, Argimag from Alau. Later, Alaudag Alshin was born, and Kyduar was born from Alshin, and then Karakesek and twelve fathers, Bayuly, were born. Argimak's son, Teleu, is born, Alshin and Ramadan unite with him, and they all join in one Zhetyru. In the next genealogy, Mangytai with Bekarys, Alshin with Mangytai, Alau with Alshin, Kyduar with Alau, Nadirkoja, Kydyrkoja, Sadirkoja with Kyduar. If Zhetiru spreads along Kydyrkoja, Alim, Shomekei, Kete spread along Sadirkoja .

For example, Yetiru appears in historiography as a tribe united together with various tribes. We can understand this kind of opinion from the Makash chronicle. In the genealogy, it is said that the ancestors of Jagalbayi, Kereit, Kerderi, Taban, Tama clans, who came to Zhetiru in the past, joined later. The genealogies left by Kerderi Abubakir and Karasakal Erimbet resins are similar. That's why we preferred to agree with the evidence presented by these scientists rather than the versions developed by the associations of Nadirkozha, Kydyrkozha and Sadirkozha of Kishi Yuz . In many similar genealogies, we have noticed that the name of the owner is not added to the base of the minor hundred. In many genealogies, Kudiyar's sons appear as Karakesek, that is, Kairbai. In colloquial speech, it is usually found as Kadyrkoja, Sadirkoja. In addition, in the works of Karasakal Erimbet, who is well versed in Kazakh genealogy, Bayly and Karakesek are mentioned among Kudiyar's children.

In many genealogies used in science, Bayuly is often mentioned in the name of the younger person. Scientist M. In Tynyshbayuly's works as far back as 1917, there were twelve Ata Bayulys in the association with the largest number of Kazakhs. And there is no doubt that his luck was great. However, if we listen to the elders, Karakesek's path was much higher than that of Bayuly. We can understand it from the genealogy that we have considered. In the mentioned genealogy, Kydyrbay and Karakesek are mentioned as the children of Kudiyar.

One example of this evidence can be found in the works of AI Tevkelev, who wrote in 1748 about Kishi Yuz, who became a spy for the colonization of our country and approached Abulkhair Khan. He said that there is a family of almonds in the small face. It is said that it spread to Bayuly and Karakesek from Alshin. Karakesek was born from 6 great grandfathers. Bayuly consisted of twelve clans, and there was a slight decrease. The lower-level country of the Little Hundred was Zhetyru. In the past, they lived separately and suffered a lot from all sides. After that, heeded the advice given by Tauke Khan and formed Zhetyru.

If we take a look at the small face, it is "25-digit Small Face", sometimes four ancestors Shomekei "29-character Small Face" were united. Citizen of Aktobe settlement A. Agybayuly combines Karaketey and Ozhirai, i.e. Kete's 2 grandfathers, and divides them into thirty-one symbols. We all support this full version of Little Face.

Another genealogy mentions that Kudiyar's eldest son was poor. That is why it was named Karakesek. Baysary is born from his godmother. After a while, his wife died, and Karakesek's grandfather gave him his next daughter. From them come Shomen and Alim. Maylybay and Bozanshar branch from Maylybay. If the Kete family descends from Baisary, descendants do not descend from Maylybai. It is said that they are called Kete because of Baysari's wife Ketebike. One day, Baisary was captured and killed during the campaign, so Alim took Ketebike as his wife. Ketebike brings Alimnen Toykoja to life. After Alim passed away, Ketebike was taken by Shomen and Tumenkoja was brought back to life from Shomen. Thus, it is said that the descendants of Karakesek's 3 sons, who descended from Ketebike, circled around their mother's neighborhood and called themselves kete. Karakete, Kete and Ozhirai are descendants of Tumenkoja and Bozanshar, while Akkete is descended from Toykoja. At this point, Sherniyaz's three-digit ketem rolls come to mind. Karakete and Shömekei were very close, so they were called "Kete-Shomekei". At this point, one more important thing is that one group of genealogists says that the fathers of Kulys and Zhanbakti, Asan, Sary are descended from Adamkhoja from Bozanshar, while another group of genealogists says that it is descended from Tumenkhoja. In addition, the genealogists attribute Tutte and Mamyt clans in Akkete to Tumenkhoja's son. That's why we connected Sary with both of them. After organizing our thoughts, we hope that the genealogists will give a consistent answer in determining the distance between Tumenkozha and Karakete.

The country where the scientist grew up. The genealogists group the appearance of one of his sons, Ulanak, with the secondary name of Karakesek. In his old age, Karakesek adopted Ulanak from among his little grandchildren, preferred him to his own son, loved him and raised him as "my stinker". Later, after Karakesek died, Ulanak took over that house, and people called him Karakesek. It seems that the reason why Togenbolat and Ainyk are called Karasakal is that Ainyk has a long beard. Since Aynik passed away early, Tegenbolat took his wife as his wife. This is the meaning of Tegenbolat's sons Pusyrman and Shingir, as well as Sarbas, the son of Ainyk, being called three karasakals by secondary names.

In oral genealogies spread in the mouth of the country, it is said that the walled Bayuly association of Kishi-zuz consisted of twelve ancestors. In scientific information and published genealogies, they are often listed as follows: Sherkesh, Yesentemir, Taz, Issyk, Aday, Berish, Baipakht, Kyzylkurt, Tana, Maskar, Alasha, Altyn, Zhappas. But if we count, it is noticeable that one of them is more. That's why in many genealogies, one surname is shortened in order to prove the "twelve grandfathers" designation of Baiulyn. In the genealogies that came from the western region of Kshizhyuz, Altyn, who lived in Syr Bay and Yrgyz, which was far away from them, is not included in the census, it is said: "Altyn is a girl's name, she returned from her exile and settled with her relative Jappas, and from that she was named Altyn-Jappas." in another genealogical description: "Jappas's mother was the daughter of Altyn-Kipchak, a noble clan of Orta Yuz." "Some people call Altyn-Jappas the mother to her son, and Baiul is passed down to 13 grandfathers," he concludes. In the next one: "Altyn is Jappas' own daughter. Aday's son was married to Kelimberdi's son named Akpan. Akan died early and became a widow. It is said that he did not obey the law of Amengar and moved to the vicinity of his tribe and formed his own clan called Altyn. And the genealogists of the Altyn clan conclude: "Altyn was born from the godmother of Bakhtsiyk (or Kydyrsiyk), and Jappas was born from our mother Samsa, who was curly-haired, and they were named together because they were related." ) does not add. In some genealogies, sometimes the Kyzylkurt clan and sometimes the Maskar clan are left out of the twelve ancestors.

The main source of such conflicting confusions about how Bayuly was grouped into twelve ancestors is probably due to the fact that the systematic classifications by expert genealogists are still not widely used. For example, in the complete genealogies dedicated to the Bayuly clan branches, it is said that one of Kudiyar's children was born from Kydyrbay, Kydyrsiyk, Sultansiyk, Baktysiyk (Baksiyk). In the genealogies, which are said to have left Sherkesh Makash akim, Berish Murat Monke son, Taz Esenbek, Adai Ensep Shaumetai son, M. In the classification of Professor Khalel Dosmukhameduly, who assisted Tynyshbayuly in preparing the information of Kishi Yuz, the twelve fathers of Baiuly are arranged in such a convenient way.

One of these genealogies was sent to us by elder Zhanash Nurmakhan, who deeply studies Kazakh history and literature, old sayings, from the "Kazakhstan" branch of Embi (Zhem) district of Atyrau region. He means that he will focus on one version related to the three sikhs, drawing across the seven options that are encountered in classifying the Bayuly association into twelve ancestors. We also compared the available data from many genealogies and made sure that some of them correspond to the version chosen by Jaken.

According to the previous classification, twelve grandfathers Baiuly consisted of grandfathers named Kydyrsiyk, Baktysiyk, Sultansiyk, Yesentemir, Taz, Aday, Berish, Altyn, Zhappas, Ebeity, Nogayty, Madiyar. Currently, there are also versions that replace Kulakaska, Dutai, Altytaban, Altybasar without taking into account Altyn. One of the twelve ancestors, whose name is now forgotten, may have been part of another nation at that time. For example, elder Zhanash found the Nogayts from today's Nogay-Kazakh clan, and said, "He is G. The people of Karash are sometimes said to have entered Berish, while Madiyar became part of the modern Magyar Kypchaks. There is no homogeneity in ancestors that have passed through the blood. Only the generation that grew up with Sultansiykh will not change. Generations of Baktsiyik and Kydyrsiyk change from time to time. In the genealogies, they are the children of Baksyyk, and in a recent genealogy, they appear as descendants of Kydyrsyk.

In the above-mentioned table, the descendants of three sikhs are reflected through seven ancestors. What do the genealogists have to say about how other ancestors became part of Bayuly? After analyzing all that, we can come to the following conclusion. After the death of the rich man, Amankoja took his wife as his wife, and he lived without them. Once upon a time, there lived a man named Atakojha who had sons named Eltai and Eshtai. Since Eshtai passed away early, she named her son Berish. J. Kaliuly and I. According to the information sent by Shyrtanuly, Bai's beautiful daughter named Kanbibi is married to Eltai, and Aday is born from them. It is said that his mother died soon after giving birth to Aday, and Aday was nursed by Taz's mother. At this point, the proverb "Swan and goose are twins, Aday and Taz are twins" comes to mind. There are also wild stories among the people that Esentemir came from another place, at first he grazed a rich man's horse, and then he became the rich man's son.

According to the information received from the chairman of the Mangistau regional organization, Izbasar Shyrtanuly, the genealogist Alshin Mendaliul, the well-known Jewish scholar Ybyrash Korkytuly distributed the twelve grandfathers of Baiul in this way.

Based on the same version, Asankoja and Alkoja spread from Kudiyar. Kydyrkoja, Kalpak, Yestai, Yerkoja, Yeltay spread along Asankoja. Kydyrsiyk, Sultansiyk, Baktysiyk, Yerkoja's daughter Altyn, Zhappas and Ozhirai descend from Kydyrkoja. Berish with Estay, Adai with Eltay, Esentemir with Ata, Taz with Kalpak. Unsatisfied with Ozhirai's separation, he leaves for Kete .

In the genealogy quoted by the famous poet M. Monkeuly, Kudiyardan Alkoja, Sadirkoja, Nurkoja, Nadirkoja, Kydyrkoja. It is given that Asankoja spreads. As the sons of Asankoja, Zhappas and Ozhirai appear. Nurkozha's father is Yesentemir. Since Nurkozha passed away early, his wife Tasty was taken by Kydyrkozha. Tasty, who became the wife of Kydyrkoja, brings Altyn to life. Alkoja's son was Berish. According to the genealogy, both Alkoja and Asankoja died at the hands of the enemy, and Kydyrkoja took up their children. M. According to the genealogy quoted by Mongkeuly, Aday Kydyrkozha's son was born out of sight, and because his mother passed away, he was brought up by Kunzhan, that is, Taz's mother. Since Berish, Zhappas and Esentemir are relatives of Kydyrkoja, Adai and Baksiyk, Sultansiyk and Kydyrsiyk, Altyn are given as his biological children.

We can understand that Bayuly, which can be found in oral chronicles based on various stories, was united with many tribes on the stage of history. The legends about the leaders of famous clans and tribes adopted a child, i.e., adopted a child or adopted a child, which can be seen in the chronicles, originally reflect the fact that those ancestors came from another country. Nevertheless, the creativity of the people shows that everyone is the offspring of the same grandfather and descended from the same umbilical cord, showing them all as relatives.

Even in order to be more reliable, the other side is traced to the prophet and the companions, and the other side is attached to the masters and saints (saints). This is the other side. However, when the turn comes to the branching of each tribe, the data will gradually become clearer. It is quite possible for a person who has properly and systematically investigated to determine the genealogy of the next four or five centuries. And it is this quality that is unique to the Kazakh people. In other countries of the world, there is almost no tradition that looks at the origin exactly like the Kazakhs and can tell their ancestors orally.

Scientists V. Vostrov and M. Mukanov say that the presence of the sign of the Kyzylkurt clan indicates that it is related to the Kyzylkurt ancestor of the Ysty clan with the sign of the Uly Yuz clan. In general, the fact that Kazakhs' tribal symbols are the same is not a coincidence, but is mostly due to continuity. Who knows, from this point of view, it is not surprising that two clans of the same name were closely related to each other in the past. There is also a Kyzylkurt clan in the Saru tribe of Kyrgyzstan.


There is little historical data about the Alasha clan. N. Aristov thinks that this tribe is probably related to the ancient Dinlin people of Finno-Ugric origin who lived in the Sayan-Altai region . The name of Alasha Khan, who is considered the ancestor of the six Alashes in Kazakh legends, also comes to mind. Turkmens also have the name of this tribe. Among them, one of the five ancestors belonging to the Sarik association is called Alasha. It is also found among the Crimean Tatars.

According to the genealogical tradition, which continues from father to son, the origin of the clans that are part of the Zhetiru union also originates from the names of Bekarys descendants - brothers and sisters Argymak and Alau. It is said that Teleu was born from a bull. He takes Ramadan as his own. Sadir, Nadir, Kyluar, Sadban (boys) came to shelter Alau Batyr from other places every year during the war, invasion, and became his son Alshin's son. Later, Sadir gave birth to Tama, Tabyn, Nadir gave birth to Kerderi, and Kyluar gave birth to Kereit. Sadban gave birth to Karakatys (Zhayurynchy), from her to Milde, from her to Mr. Yeleu. From this Eleu, twelve grandfathers of Jagalbail branched out.

Alshin sees his son Kudiyar later, and he grows up to be a man and a courtier. That is why the country calls him Kudiyar naughty. After that, Kudiyar would not touch and beat the children of his subordinates. After that, they all came to Mr. Teleu, his dear son, to heal him. According to the genealogists, as a result of this association, the Zhetiru Union (Teleu, Ramadan, Tama, Tabyn, Kerderi, Kereit, Zhagalbayli) was formed. Among the old words (Karasakal Erimbet) there is also a version that describes that Kudiyar is the child of Alshin's godmother, and Sadir and Nadir are the children of his second wife. From Sadir - Tama, Tabyn, from Nadir - Kerderi, from Argimak's godmother - Teleu, from his later wives - Rama, Karakatys, Kereit. Now, in some genealogies, all the countries included in Zhetiru are spread from Argymak (from Baibishë - Teleu, from his second wife - Kerderi, Kereit, Zhagalbayli, Ramadan, from his third wife - Tama, herd). According to the version of "three masters" named Nadirkoja, Sadirkoja, Kydyrkoja, all the countries of Zhetiru are considered to be children of Nadirkoja.

In conclusion, according to the genealogy, Alasha, Alshin, Aday, Baibakti, Berish, Esentemir, Zhappas (Altyn), Kyzylkurt, Maskar, Taz, Issyk, Sherkesh are part of Bayuly. Due to the number of tribes included in it, this association is called Twelve Ata Bayuly . As the name suggests, the composition of Zhetyru consists of seven tribes called Jahalbayli, Kerderi, Kereit, Tabyn, Tama, Teleu, Ramadan . The Kete, Karakesek, Karasakal, Tortkara, Shekti, Shomekei tribes belong to the genealogical structure known as six ancestors Alimuli . In this regard, special attention is paid to the fact that the Kishi-zhu tribes are organized into three genealogical structures called Alimuly, Baiuly, and Zhetiru, which are not found in other Kazakh faces.

Taiyr Qasymuly
