If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

Birthday of Seraly (Serke) Kozhamkulov — one of the founder of the professional and national theater arts

Birthday of Nigmetolla Kiikbayev - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

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In 1906, the group of deputies of the first State Duma adopted the Vyborg Manifesto

108 years ago the group of deputies of the first State Duma, including peple’s representatives of Kazakhstan Alikhan Bokeikhanov and Salimgerey Zhanturin, in protest against the early dissolution of the parliament held a meeting in the city of Vyborg and adopted the so-called Vyborg Manifesto. The tsarist government concerned about the extremely active deputies of the State Duma who demanded the removal of irresponsible ministers breaking laws, suppressing freedom, working for a law on giving the land to working peasantry using for this purpose «state-owned, principality, cabinet, monastery, church and private land expropriated forcibly», dissolved the parliament. Deputies-workers appealed to meet St. Petersburg and adopt manifesto about disobedience to the act on parliament’s dissolution with the proposal to unite the people around them.