If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

In Seyfullin's museum a sculpture of the writer was installed

In Seyfullin's museum a sculpture of the writer was installed - e-history.kz
In the museum of Saken Seyfullin, within the framework of the project "Spiritual renewal" an event was held dedicated to the famous Kazakh writer, poet and public figure

At first, a film was shown about the life and work of Saken Seyfullin, which revealed the details of his biography. The fate of Saken Seyfullin tragically ended in 1938, when after a heinous accusation and terrible torture he was shot.

At the event, a statue of Saken Seyfullin was presented. The participants were presented with a book of 3 volumes, consisting of memoirs of friends, relatives of the poet and famous figures such as M. Auezov, S. Mukanov, G. Musrepov, G. Mustafin and others.

Director of the museum named after S. Seyfullin, a famous poet, laureate of the State Prize Nessipbek Aytuly spoke about the event:

- There are numerous events dedicated to the memory of the great poet Saken. For today, several events are planned. The first is a presentation of Saken's porcelain sculpture. The second is the presentation of the book "Tar zhol, taygak keshu". For the third year we publish books from the "Syr Sandyk" series. The first book was called "Korgenderdin kozimen, Sakennin salgan izimen". In the second book we collected memories of a great scientist, researcher of Saken – Tursynbek Kakishuly, and published it on the anniversary of the death of the scientist. And the third - "Tar zhol, taygak keshu" - we received this book yesterday. The first variant of "Tar zhol, taygak keshu" and its subsequent variants differ significantly from each other. Our employees analyzed all this for two years, revealed differences, did a great job. We thought there would be one book. But all did not enter in one book. Therefore, half will be released this year, and the second half will be published next year with the fourth book "Syr Sandyk". Annotation to the book was written by Yerkegul Arykkarakyzy, the foreword was written by scientist, Saken studier Kulyash Akhmetova. Oralbay Abdykarimov and Seyfullin's relatives helped to publish the book.

Honor of the opening of Saken Seyfullin's porcelain sculpture fell to Oralbay Abdykarimov and the first director of the museum Rosa Assylbekova. Sculpture is a copy of the poet; even the costume is one in one similar to the original, the Kazakh chapan on him. By the way those present applauded for a long time, we can say that it was clear that the sculpture was a success. This idea was supported also by the Saken studier Kulyash Akhmetova:

The monument to Saken, an outstanding Kazakh figure, is established in many cities. It will not be superfluous if the monument to Saken will stand in the courtyard of the museum, and inside the museum. This monument shows the real Saken. If the spiritual heritage is indeed a heritage, then it must remain descendants, and monuments are just one of the spiritual values.

A famous writer, public figure Sultan Orazalin and scientist, Saken studier Kulyash Akhmetova presented the book "Tar zhol, taygak keshu". After the presentation, the writer Sultan Orazalin delivered a speech:

- Until that day, I had never seen such a sculpture. Through this monument the real image, the real person of Saken, is clearly visible. I went here and wondered what would be installed here this time, a head or a bust of the writer. This is something new. My congratulations!

And Oralbay Abdykarimov, anxiously referring to Saken's legacy, said:

- The value of the book is the reality of that time without embellishment. "Tar zhol, taygak keshu" is the first novel-memoirs in the Kazakh literature. In connection with the political ideology, changes were made, some places were generally removed. And now the book is published without changes. I think that the current generation will learn the real truth of the time through this book.

In anticipation of this event, Serik Ospanov who dedicated his entire life to Saken, to the study of his musical heritage, marked the 60th anniversary; he wrote a book, he propagandizes Saken’s songs. The director of the museum congratulated him on the anniversary and put a chapan on him.

Then Kairat Baibussinov delivered a speech, he presented a book to the museum.

"Monologue of Saken" by Kanat Zhunussov, read by a student from the village of Akhmet, left no one indifferent.

The evening ended with a song by Saken in the performance of Serik Ospanov. In the sky of Astana, the poet's song was solemnly sounded.

Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA