If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

International scientific and methodological conference on the subject "Ways to update the methodology and scientific approaches to the study of national approaches".


From January 31 to February 1, 2014, the Institute of history of state CS of MES held an International scientific and methodological conference “Ways to update the methodology and scientific approaches to the study of national history” (in the context of the President’s Address to the people of Kazakhstan “Kazakhstan’s way -2050: the common goal, common interests and common future”). 

The aim of the conference was to provide new vision of international history, defining the way of quality breakthrough of historical science in the light of the objects of President’s Address to the people of Kazakhstan “Kazakhstan’s  path-2050: the common goal, common interests and common future”).  

The conference was organized by the plenary and breakout sessions on "New developments in historiography, source research, methodology and methods of historical scholarship". The director of the Institute of history of State CS MES, PhD, professor B.Ayagan spoke as the moderator of the conference.

A Doctor of political science, Professor K.Burhanov and Doctor of History, Professor, Lieutenant-General A.Tasbulatov, Professor of the Institute of diplomacy academy of Public Administration under the President of Kazakhstan, doctor of political science Professor T.Suleimenov were the honored guests of the conference and participated in the work of the conference.

At the plenary meeting of historians considered the development of historical science in the light of the challenges the President's Address to the people of Kazakhstan "Kazakhstan’s path-2050: the common goal, common interests and common future" upgrade issues of methodology and scientific approaches to the study of national history, the historical responsibility of the intelligentsia, periodization of the history of Kazakhstan.  

G.Karasaev and K. Ilyasova the scientists of the Institute of History of State announced their version of the periodization of Russian history, which caused a wave of violent discussion of this problem.

Foreign scientists shared their experience of writing national history textbooks in their countries. Professor at Columbia University, USA, Rafis Abazov, talking about trends characterizing the development of historical science in the United States, said that in his country there is a tendency of writing macro-history refusal in favor of micro-history. Attention of U.S. scientists is more attracted to, for example, the problem of reconstructing the history of separate spheres of society, questions of everyday stories. R. Abazov donated to the Institute of History of the State the book “History of modern Kazakh literature”, first published in the United States.

Head of the Department of sources and historiography of the Bashkir State University, PhD, Professor R. Bukanova, in her speech, highlighted some common problems history of Kazakhstan and Bashkortostan in the context of strengthening the institutional and political space in Russia in 16-18 centuries.

Professor, Head of the Kyrgyz-Russian Slavic University, doctor of historical science Z. Kurmanov spoke about the political history of the Kazakh pages Kyrgyzstan.

The head of the Institute of History of the State, Ph.D. in Philology and docent M.Anafinova, who no long ago returned from the six-month internship at the University of Cambridge (UK) and being a fellow holder of the Presidential program “Bolashak”, introduced the participant of conference about the experience of national historiography in South-East Asia.

Academician of NAS RK, laureate of the State Prize of the Republic of Kazakhstan Beisenova Alia Sarsenovna, considering the problem of an interdisciplinary approach to research on the social and human sciences, drew the attention of historians to specific questions of national history, which require further study.

At the end of the plenary session the newly elected members of the Academy of History and Social Sciences were awarded with medals and certificates.

At the breakout session the following issues were considered: methodology and methods of historical science, historical research as modeling of the historical process, the content model programs from the perspective of historical disciplines; outdated paradigms and methodological innovations in Kazakhstan historical science.

Chief Researcher of the Institute of History of State, Ph.D., docent K. Ilyasova briefly said about the project of a new model curriculum on the history of Kazakhstan prepared by scientists from the Institute.

The heads of research institutes, universities, leading scientists of Kazakhstan, teachers of history and the humanities, high school history teacher, and media representatives participated in the work of the conference. 

In their speeches, the participants noted the high level of its implementation, thanked the staff of the Institute of history of State CS MES for the preparation of the scientific forum, which was held as a constructive and fruitful conversation scientist-historians of country and abroad about problems of modern historical scholarship.

Materials of the scientific-methodological conference will be published in a scientific publication.

Material provided by the Institute of History of the State