If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

I Congress of Kazakhstan’s historians «Statehood of the Independent Kazakhstan: formation and horizons of development».


On September 16, 2011 at 10 a.m. the I Congress of Historians of Kazakhstan «Statehood of the Independent Kazakhstan: formation and horizons of development» was held.

Organizers of the Congress are the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the Institute of History of State, CS MES RK, the L. N. Gumilyov Eurasian National University.

The aim of the Congress is summarizing and analysis of the condition of historical science since the independence, working out of new methodological approaches for the investigation of the past, estimation of achievements of Kazakhstan’s historiography, propaganda of the role of history in the formation of civil and patriotic consciousness of Kazakhstan’s people.

The Congress was attended by statesmen and public figures, members of the Parliament of the Republic of Kazakhstan, representatives of governmental agencies; leading national scholars of universities, research institutions; expert and analytical centers; school teachers. Such prominent historians as Omarbekov T.O., Abuseitova M.Kh., Ayagan B.G., Abzhanov Kh. M., Kan G.v. , Sydykov Ye. B, Kovalskaya S.I., Kydyralina Zh. U. and others were among participants.

This forum of historians is conducted in the independent Kazakhstan for the first time. The importance of its organization is defined by the need of moving of historical science of Kazakhstan to a new level, coordination and promotion of scientific researches with the aim to study, preserve, develop and popularize the historical, spiritual and cultural heritage of Kazakh nation.

During the course of the Congress participants discussed topical issues of methodology of study of modern national history, problems of the statehood, national idea, Kazakhstan’s integration into the world community, preservation of historical and cultural heritage of the nation. Scientists and experts in history exchanged views on the search for new approaches and ways to study and develop national historical science, preparation and publication of new tutorials and textbooks containing reconstructed history of Kazakhstan with the joint efforts of scientists, teachers and methodologists.

It is expected an appearance of new ideas and proposals on the definition of the main directions of development of historical science in Kazakhstan, historians’ contribution to the further development and prosperity of the country. Historical science of modern Kazakhstan should promote the strategic objectives of accelerated economic and social modernization, consolidation of society, formation of patriotism and civil responsibility of Kazakhstan’s people.

In order to provide a constructive dialogue and objective analysis of the existing problems of further development of historical science the I Congress of Historians of Kazakhstan was held in the form of plenary session and round table.
Exhibitions representing achievements of historical science of Kazakhstan over the past twenty years of the Independence and reflecting the contribution of historians, archive and museum workers into spiritual rebirth of Kazakhstan and patriotic education of citizens were organized for participants of the Congress.

The Congress resulted in adoption of the resolution on integrated measures of the further qualitative development of historical science and popularization of historical knowledge.