If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Society needs to present complete history, instead of fragmentary - the expert


It is necessary to depart from the fragmentary doctrine about natsionalny history, and to try to create to society a complete picture. Such opinion today in a lobby of meeting intellectual debate club "Amanat" on subject "Judgment of natsionalny history", initiated NDP "Nour Otan", expressed the deputy director of Institute of history of the state of MOH PK of Amangelda Kashkimbayev, the correspondent of BNews.kz reports.

According to him, Marat Tazhin's performance on enlarged meeting of the Interdepartmental working group on studying of natsionalny history of Kazakhstan is very actual and timely.  "We have to work purposefully now over natsionalny history.  Not as we got used, that is is fragmentary.  Somehow we aside have complete history, - the historian noted.  -  There is such definition "immanent communication".  All history is interconnected.  When we present it fragmentary, it leads to that the population starts losing interest". 

As the historian noted, information processing and the documents collected by scientists within the Madeni Mess program and while "becoming dusty on shelves" has to become one of steps. 

"That our scientists made till today and will make today, it is necessary to generalize and make monumental work", - A.Kashkimbayev emphasized.

"I think, for us already all conditions are created for high-quality and full work. It is necessary to approach responsibly only to work and to those thoughts which we want to present in society", - the scientist noted.


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