If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The third Central Asian historical readings

The third Central Asian historical readings - e-history.kz
International theoretical and practical conference "Third Central Asian historical readings" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of unification of Russia and Tuva.

International theoretical and practical conference "Third Central Asian historical readings" dedicated to the 100th anniversary of unification of Russia and Tuva and the 20th anniversary of the Faculty of History of the Tuva State University, will be held from June 20 to 21, 2014.

The program of the readings will cover the following sections:

-  The topical problems of the world and Russian history;

-  Local history: the current state and development trends;

-  Interfaith interaction of peoples in Central Asia;

-  Gender Studies of Central Asia;

-  Problems of historiography and source studies;

-  Problems of intercultural interactions

-  Ethnic development of the Central Asian region in the context of globalization;

-  The outstanding researchers in Central Asia;

-  The "white spots" in the history of Central Asia;

-  Language and national literature of the peoples of Central Asia;

-  The unity and diversity of the cultural heritage of the peoples of Central Asia;

-  The cultural and historical unity of Central Asia, the ancient communications and their reflection in the monuments of archeology and rock art;

-  The historical context of cultural interaction of Central Asia;

-  The role of historical research in the spiritual, civil and patriotic education of youth;

-  Methods of teaching of History in secondary and higher education institutions;

The topic of the session will be formed and refined upon the receipt of applications and materials for publication and posting on the web-resource of the conference for discussion.

The materials, as they come available, will be posted on the conference web-resource on the official website of FSBEI HPO «Tuvan State University» (www.tuvsu.ru), following the decision of the conference organizing committee.

The texts in electronic form will be accepted until the April 15, 2014 at: ifoi@tuvsu.ru. Executive Secretaries of the Conference: Ph.D., Assistant professor. Damdynchap Vera Mongushevna and Ph.D., Assistant professor Storozenko Alena Alexandrovna.

Organizational fee, including the cost of a collection of articles, for foreign participants - 100 $ USA, for Russian - 700 rubles. The producing of the collection is planned for the beginning of the conference.