If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

In 1675 Aktamberdy Saryuly - a poet and storyteller, zhyrau, batyr and social activist was born

March 7, 1994 is the Day when elections were held for the first Parliament of independent Kazakhstan.

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August 6, 1741, Orenburg city was founded

The city’s original location, at the confluence of the Or River and Yaik River (Zhaiyk in Kazakh language), was selected during the expedition of initiator of area’s development I. Kirillov. V. Tatishev was appointed as the head of Orenburg expedition after his death. It seemed to him that the place is very uncomfortable, besides it flooded with spring floods. In 1739, preparations for the construction of the city downstream Yaik at a place called Red Hill had begun. In August 6, 1741 the city was founded, although, the construction was not started.