If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly



Requirements for publishing materials


Board of Editors of National Digital History of Kazakhstan portal accepts articles and reviews on the publications of archival documents and manuals, texts of previously unreleased archival documents with an introductory article and comments, diaries and memoirs, informational messages.

The manuscripts and visual materials are made according to the basic standards for publishing the articles in accordance with GOST 7.5-98 "Journals, collections, information editions. Publishing layout of the materials".

For publication are accepted materials of up to 10 pages. Font «TimesNewRoman», font size 14. Endnote links (and comments) - size 12. Line spacing - single, formatting - the width, the parameters of the page: top margin of 20 mm, 20 mm of bottom margin, left margin of 30 mm, right of 15 mm.

Illustrative material, photographs, reflecting the content of the article (3-4 photos in jpeg format) must be attached.

Review of article is to be signed by the Head, Deputy for Science and head of the unit.

The scientific article should correspond to the topics and the concept of the portal.

Articles are available by mail in any soft copy in MS Word format or by e-mail.

Author Info: photos (business), name, surname, patronymic, place of work and position, academic degree and title, postal and email addresses, contact telephone numbers.

Coauthorship is not more than 3 people.

Rules for direction, review and publication of scientific articles

1. For publication are accepted only materials corresponding to the profile of the portal, i.e. only materials of historical subjects. They should be relevant, fresh, have a scientific and practical significance, as well as theoretical and practical value to society.

2. Articles are submitted in electronic form (e-mail) or in writing to the address of the editorial office with an electronic version of the application works in soft copy.

3. The volume of the publication - up to 10 pages. If necessary, the editors reserve the right to shorten the material, or return it to the author for the reduction.

4. On the first page is printed the name of the article. Pages are not numbered. The main text, footnotes, annotations, text, and keywords are aligned with the width of the page. After the title of the article in one interval it is necessary to place the text annotation article in Russian and keywords. Under the main text are to be indicated the surname and initials of the author. The article can also be presented in English, with a translation of the name into the Kazakh and Russian languages, as well as abstract and keywords in the Kazakh and Russian languages.

5. All abbreviations and acronyms commonly known except obviously must be decrypted at the first use in the text.

6. After completion of the article should be brought bibliographic list, i.e. a list of works cited by the author in the presented for publication material.

7. Article should be accompanied by information about the author, indicating the name, surname, patronymic, position and place of work (study), scientific degree and (or) the title and full postal address of the place of work, address, contact telephone number, e-mail. These data are not published and are necessary for the connection of the editorial staff with the author of the article.

8. Presenting the text of the work for publication in the journal, the author guarantee the accuracy of all information about themselves, avoiding plagiarism and other forms of improper loans in manuscripts of the work, the proper execution of all borrowing of text, tables, charts, illustrations.

9. It is strongly recommended before sending to check carefully the common spelling of materials, the spelling of the relevant terms and design work the text and links. Editorial urges authors to check the conformity of the material presented by the present Regulation.

10. The fee for publication will not be paid.

11. The authors of the editorial board transmit the exclusive right to use the work in the following ways: article reproduction (right of reproduction); distribute copies of the article by any means (right of distribution); translation of the article (right of translation). Presentation of the material received by Board of Editors is an action aimed at the emergence of the respective rights and obligations. The author's consent to the publication of material on the terms indicated in the electronic version of the portal is expected.

12. In case of violation of requirements to the design requirements of the material can be returned to the author for revision. Manuscripts sent for revision to the authors, can be returned to the editor in the recommended time. On Amending the author must report in a letter attached to the manuscript. In the case of non-compliance with the requirements imposed by the author edition has the right to refuse to publish material submitted by the author with a reasoned explanation of the reasons for such refusal.

13. The manuscript of a scientific article, submitted to the Portal Board of Editors in hard or soft copy form shall be considered by the editor or the editorial board for compliance profile portal, the requirements for registration.

14. The publication shall review all incoming materials to the editor corresponding to its category, with a view to peer review. All reviewers are acknowledged experts on the subject of peer-reviewed material.

15. To the article are necessarily attached illustrative material, photographs, reflecting the content of the article (3-4 photos in jpeg format).