If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

On the scientific articles published in the "People in a History Stream" appendix to the Republican political magazine "Mysl"

On the scientific articles published in the "People in a History Stream" appendix to the Republican political magazine "Mysl" - e-history.kz

On the scientific articles published in the "People in a History Stream" appendix to the Republican political magazine "Thought" No. 8 August, 2013.

In the article "Road to Good and Prosperity" Dr.Econ.Sci., the honored worker of RK Omirbek Baygeldiaktsentiruyet attention to fenomenalnlity and versatility of culture of the Kazakh people, its traditions and customs, need to develop and increase greatly our spiritual wealth.

The author mentions ethical aspects of spiritual culture of the Kazakh people that now, in a month of Oraz, it is important to read not simply the Koran, and to understand each its situation. Many excerpts from the Koran are given in article.

The positive educational moment for the Kazakhstan youth is that Omirbek Baygeldi explains that it isn't necessary to be fond and come under others influence in Islam, behavior and clothes. It is necessary to differentiate good and bad, the truth from a reality perversion.

All contents of article are logically interconnected and confirmed with quotes from the Chinese, Greek and Turkish sources.

Nevertheless, despite an extensive historical and factual material, article has more theological character.

Earlier basic provisions of article are published in the Kazakhstanskaya Pravda newspaper "Who we and where we go" of July 21, 2013 are.

Article д.и.н. Ksenzhik G. "Offers on studying of national history" it is devoted to speech of the State secretary of RK of M. Tazhin on enlarged meeting of Interdepartmental group on studying of national history. The author gives the main priorities and the directions of the forthcoming work of historians.

The manager of department of history of Kazakhstan of new time of Institute of history and ethnology of. Valikhanov's h successfully reasons need of new approaches and methods for historical knowledge.

Ksenzhik G. is the main idea that it suggests to use spatial approach at a statement of historical events within local historical time and proves prospects of "A historical regionovedeniye" and history of regions.

The problem of improvement of a technique of mapping which while in national history of very few people is engaged is lifted important for historical science.

It should be noted that in this article раскрытэтот interesting aspect, but other alternative moments and offers on studying of national history aren't considered.

Article к.п.н. Tursynova Zh. "State archives: time calls" are proved by need of research of the low-studied archival materials on national history about what the State secretary of RK M. Tazhin on enlarged meeting of Interdepartmental group on studying of national history spoke in the performance.

The author focuses attention that expediency of archival editions and materials reconstruct public consciousness in the field of traditional vital values.

That the author proves need of various forms of the organization of the archival documents is significant, in particular interesting carrying out nonconventional lessons of history seems.

Despite relevance of the touched issue, in article not enough attention is paid to positioning of the valuable archival sources being in granaries of archives. Scientists, researchers work with materials, but the numerous audience has to them no access and it is necessary to work methods of free, mass obtaining archival information.

Article of professor Uyukbayeva M. "The destiny of the people in the history and literature" is devoted to speech of the State secretary of RK of M. Tazhin on enlarged meeting of Interdepartmental group on studying of national history. The author fairly claims that the history and literature are closely interconnected, historical events were given an assessment by akyns who were listened by the people.

Uyukbayeva M. fairly claims that the history and literature are inseparable, in the history center – destiny of the people, sense of literature - care of soul of people.

Unfortunately, in article concrete methods and mechanisms on history and literature interaction at the present stage of their studying aren't offered.

Need of comprehensive and original study of history of the Fatherland for education of national pride and patriotism is considered in article д.и.н. Sarmurzina G., д.и.н. Chatybekova K. "A role of historical science in preparation of engineering shots".

Authors put actual problems, in particular existence of nonprofessional books and consider that it is necessary to publish monographs and the textbooks recommended by the Academic Council.

The special attention is considered by authors it is necessary to pay to the period of the contemporary history of Kazakhstan where still there are a lot of unexplored problems.

And nevertheless, as teachers of higher education institution, authors didn't state the suggestions for improvement and to high-quality change of the contents of textbooks and training programs, increases in number of class periods on the Stories of Kazakhstan, both on historical, and at engineering faculties in republic higher education institutions.

SNS of Institute of history and

ethnology of Ch.Valikhanov,

candidate of historical sciences Ualtayev A.S.