If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The cartoon about khans Zhanibek and Kerey

The cartoon about khans Zhanibek and Kerey - e-history.kz
The aim of the film is to show generation what is good and what is bad on the basis of childhood of Zhanibek and Kerey

«SAK» film studio is planning to present feature-length animated film «Kazak eli» devoted to the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate for people of Kazakhstan. The animated film about the Kazakh khanate «Kazakh eli» will tell about Zhanibek and Kerey khans’ rise and fall since childhood until formation of the Kazakh khanate. Special attention will be paid to the childhood and youth of Zhanibek and Kerey and a period of formation of the first state of Kazakh people, there will be shown how Kart batyr taught archery, skillful swordplay and other skills of warfare to Zhanibek and Kerey. They would also show their periods of life, when they went to Otyrar to be enlightened in forge of knowledge of those times — the great Otyrar library. Education and literacy were necessary criterion for the rulers of those times. When they came home after their study in Otyrar, they showed heroic acts that were crucial in the history of Kazakh people. Moreover the film will tell about situation, when Zhanibek and Kerey fell into a trap and saved by virtue of their trainer — Kart batyr. Tauke’s khanate period, development of ‘Zheti zhargy’ and a period of three bii will also be covered in the film. 

Children will see Abylay khan, Bogenbay, Nauryzbay and Kabanbay batyrs too. The audience will see the beauty of the Kazakh steppe, such great cities as Sauran, , Otyrar, Syganak located on the Great Silk Road, the outstanding beautiful palaces of khans. In addition our young audience can be able to witness today’s beauty of our capital Astana. The film highlighted the episodes from childhood of founders of the Kazakh khanate to attract attention of our young citizens. 


The part of the film is planned to be created with using 3D animation. It is expected that the soundtrack «Karakshylar» performed by Nurlan Abdullin, Saken Maigaziyev will be recorded to the film. Nurzhan Tolendiyev and Berik Tursynbekov who are famous by their humor to the public will sing this track together with professional singers. Zhambyl Artykbay — doctor of Historical Sciences, professor is an advisor of the script to this historic work. It is planned, that presentation of the animated film will be held on the eve of Independence day of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Writers staff set the mission during the creation of the cartoon to show younger generation what is good and what is bad based on the childhood and youth of Zhanibek and Kerey, who led off to the formation of the Kazakh khanate.

 Let us recall, that the Kazakh khanate was founded 550 years ago. The main events on celebration of the anniversary is planned in Taraz.
