If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Seven lesser-known Relics of Kyzylorda region

Seven lesser-known Relics of Kyzylorda region  - e-history.kz
Kyzylorda region is rich with natural landscapes , huge number of mausoleums and ruins of ancient cities.

1. The Uyabay Mausoleum. 1887 г. Aral district. 

The Mausoleum is located at the dominant point of the slightly sloping hill, in the suburbs of which the necropolis consisting of enormous quantity of tortkuls and tombstones, is situated. Reliable evidence about the mausoleum is taken from the informant Abishuly Abay, a born of Abay aul: “Dzhigit Uyabay returning from the suite was buried here, on the way to a bride’s aul, not reaching the native settlement. He stayed for the night, persuading his comrades no to go into the night, but to stay there and set off in the morning, arguing this by the fact that he liked the location. Having come back home, he passed away on the same day. On the insistence of the comrades who were with him during last days, he was buried there”. 


2. The Tumen Aulie Mazar. Zhalagazh district. 

The monument was built of raw brick, with the dimension of 6,5×6,5 m., height of 1,7 m. The mausoleum is one-chamber, centered, the dome is lost. Square in the plan, the main bulk was overlapped by the dome. Transition from the square of the basis of chamber to the circle of the dome was by means of the lancet lap of masonry from the chamber angles. The chamber walls till the foundation of the dome were plastered and there were drawings on them. Arrow-shaped insets are located inside the camera. Inside the chamber the tracks of the burial are not traced. 


3. The Aikozha Mausoleum. Zhanakorgan district. 

Aikozha-ishan Zhumadilla-uly (1773-1857yy.), from the tribe duana-kozha — a famous in these places theologist, achieved notoriety because he made a will to his sons to build the mosque. Owing to that, in the area of Aktas the most monumental in the lower reach of the Syrdarya was raised. The monument is located at the top of the right bank of the Syrdarya at the vast necropolis, which, most probably, became the beginning of the burial of the saint Aktas. 


4. The Balandy III Mausoleum. Karmakchinsky district. 

The construction is unique: these are medium regarding the building, raised to the clay base. Round inner chamber is divided by inter-perpendicular, stretching to the diameter walls into four sections (cross joint). The diameter of the building is 8,6 m., height reaches 2,8 m. The diameter of the chamber which was placed onto the 1,5 meter-mud — 6,6 m. The intersecting at the right angle walls divide the chamber into the funeral buildings. 


5. The Kelimbet Mausoleum. Kazalinsk district. 

A famous people’s architect Kazakbay Zhusupov built the monument. The mausoleum had inlet and funeral chambers, longitudinal axes of which are located T-shaped regarding each other, both chambers are in inscribed into the rectangular body, which angles were indicated by figurate blades. The inlet chamber was overlapped by the dome, big one — with the dome of splendid feature. The Kelimbet Mausoleum is a magnificent work of people’s architecture, it develops one of the peculiar for the areas of the Syrdarya entry theme of the mausoleum with a narrow inlet chamber on the flank facade. The monument profitably differs from the circumjacent mausoleums by a special elegance of the dome outline. 


6. The Mulkalyan Mausoleum. Syrdarya district. 

Dated approximately XVI c. Mulkalyan — a nickname. And the name Mekhereglan is a famous in these places saint, having the great popularity among people up to these days. According to the legends, he was engaged with the irrigated cropping, at the same time he had houses in seven places. Meherglan knew another local aulie Magzum well: they even were teasing each other concerning the place of their burial (prophecy of each one became true). 


7. The Oraza Ishan mausoleum. Shielinsk district. 

It is located 15 km. to the south-east of the settlement Sulutobe. Inside of the mausoleum there are two crypts: one is big, another — little. The size of the monument is 8×10 m., height is approximately 6 m. The mausoleum is surrounded by the wire net, located in the center of the aul necropolis. Approximately in 1995, under the supervision of the teacher Tokenov Toreli, the inhabitants of the Sulutobe village along with the tribe tiney nayman and descendants of Oraza Ishan restored the mausoleum. Orazay Ishan — Akhmet ishan’s father, the tiney aktaz nayman tribe.

