If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Presentation of the book "Words which changed Kazakhstan"

Presentation of the book "Words which changed Kazakhstan" - e-history.kz
To the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate the young Kazakhstan author, the historian and the publicist - Yevgeny Kochetov presents the book "Words Which Changed Kazakhstan"

On June 16, 2015 with assistance of the Youth branch "Zhas Otan" at Nur Otan party will take place presentation of the book "Words which changed Kazakhstan" of the young Kazakhstan author, economist, historian and publicist Yevgeny Kochetov, and also the opening of the exhibition of the same name dated for the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh khanate.

Eminent political persons of the country, deputies of Mazhilis of Parliament of Kazakhstan and also famous representatives of scientific community will take part in action. In the Message "Strategy "Kazakhstan — 2050: the new political policy of the taken place state" the First President of the Republic of Kazakhstan — the Leader of the Nation N. Nazarbayev set a number of large problems of the ideological and humanitarian direction. Among them is formation of new Kazakhstan patriotism, development of historical consciousness with active participation of the national intellectuals, preservation and strengthening of a cultural code of the nation as factor of a solvency of the state, finding of heroes of modern times.


Yevgeny Kochetov’s book "Words which changed Kazakhstan" represents large-scale research in which are bound history, economy, political science and philosophy. It contains significant data on history of Kazakhstan in the context of reflection of a phenomenon of the personality in a political and historical and cultural context. It has words, which were said in difficult period of our state by the leaders: from Genghis Khan to Nursultan Nazarbayev. These words defined the future of the country. Some of them saved Kazakhstan from crash: the state and economy was built on particles, gave hope for bright future to the people, solving present problems. Other words destroyed. We feel a loss from them till now, apparently, their traces forever will remain in Kazakhstan. This book is not simply collection of speeches, but it has description of historical context.

Given economic analysis of separate periods of national history in public stylistic of statement will allow the reader to reflect on progress and failures of various reforms, and also will bring the reader to perception of history system and fascinating process. Within presentation, the exhibition of the same name in which all materials used when writing the book will be presented. The exhibition will become a remarkable gift to Kazakhstan citizens in year of celebration of the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate.
