If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The old-timer building. Mosque named after Nauna Hazret

The old-timer building. Mosque named after Nauna Hazret   - e-history.kz
Same as other cult constructions, the mosque named after Nauan Hazret was turned into the usual building in Soviet period.

The scientist who is very formed for the time — the theologian who ended except the Peter and Paul madrasah, the highest theological seminary in Blessed Bukhara, passed training in Baghdad — the spiritual center of Moslem, it made a lot of things for spiritual education devout Kokchetav. At the initiative of Nauan Hazret the new mosque bearing today his name was also constructed.

History of city mosque named after Nauan Hazret, located on the Aulbekova Street, is more than one hundred years. It began at the end of 19th century. At that time there was one mosque on the Street Bolshaya Sadovaya (now Abay Street), at the place where after demolition was built the house which was the jewelry store "Diamond". Nauryzbay Talasov, known as Nauan Hazret, was the mullah of that mosque since 1886. The well-educated scientist-mullah who graduated Petropavlovsk madrasah and passed training in Baghdad — the spiritual center of Islam. He made a lot of contributions to spiritual education of religious devout of the city of Kokshetau. The new mosque which was named after Nauan Hazret was built by his initiative. 

It is unknown when the construction of was begun, but on the city map of 1893 it was pointed as "newly constructed mosque". Auelbekov Street at the end of the 19th century was called Kazanskaya, probably, because the main population was Tatars — natives of Kazan. Many of them had own business. The mosque was built on the funds of rich Tatar merchants, although all Muslims made their contributions. Constructors were invited from Kazan, but local masters also participated in the construction of the building. The writer Ibrahim Salakhov, the native of the city of Kokshetau, who was very skilled carpenter, told that his father Nizam was famous master who built more than one house decorated with wooden laces in Kokshetau... 

Until 20s of the last century the muzim (person appointed at mosque to lead and recite the call to prayer) from the white minaret, decorated with carving, the called devout for payer. Later in the Soviet period the mosque deprived of a minaret, reconstructed and turned into the usual building which in different years used for needs of the city. From 1941 to 1945 the military units were formed in the former mosque. From 1947 to 1947 — the Regional history museum, later workshops for drama theater. In 1975 it served as one the gallery branch of Republican art showroom... 

Almost seventy years later, in 1989, based on the decision of Kokshetau regional executive committee, the mosque was returned to Muslims of city. Today, the mosque is a monument of historical and cultural heritage of the city of Kokshetau and it is under state protection. Now, as many years ago, from the minaret painted in light blue color the muzim calls Muslims for a prayer...

Gulchehra Perley,
Senior researcher at the Museum of History of the city of Kokshetau
