If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Azerbaijanis in Kazakhstan

Azerbaijanis in Kazakhstan  - e-history.kz
Today the number of Azerbaijanis living in Kazakhstan is 82 thousand 300 people.

In recent years there is a tendency of demographic growth of Azerbaijani nationality in Kazakhstan. Relying on official results of population census ten in recent years number of Azerbaijanis increased by 6, 2 percent. Today the number of Azerbaijanis living in Kazakhstan is 82 thousand 300 people.

Azerbaijani people, having tendency to agriculture, mainly engaged in agriculture and cattle breeding, thereby making contribution to development of economy of our country.

Majority Azerbaijani people live in Almaty, Zhambyl and South Kazakhstan regions. In the south region there are more than 70 thousand Azerbaijanis. Generally they work in agrarian sector, particularly, in cotton breeding...


The general history of the Kazakh and Azerbaijani nationalities begins from Turkic times.

Under the influence of historical events the Turkic people were divided into separate nationalities and formed the states. And only events of the 30th years of the 20th century connected destinies of the Kazakh and Azerbaijani people again. Since then Kazakhstan became for them Homeland where both people live in peace.

The unique model of interethnic peace and harmony was created during independence years in Kazakhstan. Valuable contribution in creation of this model, to preservation of stability in our society was brought by Assembly of people of Kazakhstan.

"In Soviet period the holiday had on May 1 other importance. It was Day of solidarity of workers. After Kazakhstan found Independence, on May 1 was declared in the Afternoon of unity of the people of Kazakhstan...", — the president of "The union of the Azerbaijani cultural centers of Kazakhstan" Salakhov of Vidadi Korayevich speaks.

"National holiday May 1st had different importance in Soviet period. It was the Day of Solidarity of Workers. After Kazakhstan found Independence, May 1st was declared as the Day of Unity of people of Kazakhstan", — the president of "The union of Azerbaijani cultural centers of Kazakhstan" Vivadi Salakhov.

In 2008 "The union of Azerbaijani cultural centers of Kazakhstan" was registered in the Ministry of Justice of Kazakhstan. 10 regional, 2 city Azerbaijani national associations are the part of this union. Heads of all these association are members of Assembly of people of Kazakhstan. In the centers there is an opportunity to learn state language.


For example, the Azerbaijani youth diaspora "Gaydar" which is headed by Bakhruz Akhundov, carries out socially important activities, conferences and round tables. At the same time, work of the center is directed and on preservation of unity in our state.
