The discussion was attended my archaeologists Z. Samashev and V. Zaibert, Honoured Architect of the Kazakh SSR B. Tuyakbaeva, Director of the Centre for Protection Usage of the Historical and Cultural Heritage under the Department of Culture of the Akmola region T. Ibraev, scientist and expert on genetics O. Smagulov, and many others. The relevant authority established to develop amendments to the Law on the Protection of Historical Monuments was represented by the Acting Deputy Director of the Department of Culture and Arts of the Ministry of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan K. Seitova.
Participants of the round table are all too familiar with the problems in the sphere of preservation of the historical and cultural heritage, archaeological monuments and findings. Therefore, the meeting became a negotiating space for scientists and representatives of the governmental authorities and gave an opportunity to discuss existing problems and move to their resolving.
Existing legislation contains only two or three articles dedicated to the issues related to museum activity. According to Darkhan Mynbai, it is not enough. "Today museums are becoming research centres. Many projects, which were implemented during the Soviet period, do not work now. We have to develop a new approach to the control and systematisation of reports" — Director of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan said.
Participants of the discussion expressed their concerns about many aspects which require legislative support. "Many years we, archaeologists and workers of the sphere of historical and cultural heritage, are facing problems related to usage of this heritage in the touristic area. There was a period when we developed great projects with the suggestions to raise a need for creating a law about private museums. In this regard, we could solve the problem with usage of archaeological objects. It would contribute to civil development and national consciousness of our society", — archaeologist Victor Zaibert noted.
According to Kumis Seitova, the amendments also affect the process of submission of archaeological findings to museums. Participants of the round table have come to a common conclusion that first of all it is necessary to develop clear definitions of the terms "national heritage" and "findings of republican significance".
There are a great number of troubles related to historical and cultural heritage of the Republic of Kazakhstan.