If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

8 outstanding figures from Pavlodar region

8 outstanding figures from Pavlodar region - e-history.kz
Pavlodar region is a land which gave Kazakhstan many outstanding figures.
1. Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev


Kanysh Imantaevich Satpaev was born on April 12, 1899 in Pavlodar province, Semipalatinsk region (today the village of Tendik). Academician Satpaev was a phenomenal visionary who could reveal subsoil secrets, prominent geologist and the great thinker and naturalist. Outstanding public figure and statesman, skilful politician who made his contribution into civilized industrial development of Kazakhstan, he was an informal leader of the society. Kanysh Satpaev was fully rounded scientist — a person who could became the great writer and historian, thoughtful pedagogue and mathematician. On the matter Mukhtar Auezov said: "Kanysh’s peculiarity lies in his ability to talk with chemist, biologist, physicist, physician, historian and philologist using their specific scientific language".

2. Shaken Kenzhetaevich Aymanov


Shaken Aymanov was born on 2 (15) February, 1914 in Bayan-Aul. He was among the originators of national theatre and cinema. He was a perfect artist-improviser, reader, theatre director, artistic director of the Kazakh Drama Theatre, film actor and filmmaker. He played more than 100 roles. Shaken Aymanov went down in history as the first Kazakh filmmaker. He beganhis career with the film-play named "The Poem about Love" ("Kozy-Korpesh and Bayan-sulu") in 1954. Aymanov quickly became proficient in filmmaking and staged several great films, including musical comedy "Our Darling Doctor" (1957), folklore film "Aldar Kose" (1964), philosophical film on the war "The Land of Fathers" (1966), and historical detective "Ataman’s Death" (1970). 


3. Alkey Khakanovich Margulan

Alkey Khakanovich Margulan was born on May 11, 1904 in Bayanaul near Zhasybai Lake not far from the city of Pavlodar. He was a prominent scientist, expert in the field of ethnography, oriental studies, history, literature, and art history. He was a founder of Kazakh archaeological school. His fundamental works on history, architecture, epic tales and applied Kazakh art, monographs about Korkyt, Manas, Chokan Valikhanov, Abai, Mukhtar Auezov and Kanysh Satpaev became important treasures of the world scientific knowledge. Enormous erudition, incessant search for answers, discerning mind and love for the nation enabled professor Margulan to present the history of nomads in encyclopaedic nature.


4. Bekkhozhin Khalizhan Nurgozhaevich


Bekkhozhin Khalizhan Nurgozhaevich was a poet, People’s Writer of Kazakhstan and the founder of Kazakh journalism. He was born on December 15, 1913 in the city of Pavlodar. He created a unique poetic world. His poems became the treasure of Kazakh literature. In addition, Bekkhozhin was a great translator. He translated many works of Pushkin, Lermontov, Nekrasov and Byron into Kazakh Language. Khalizhan Bekkhozhin was the first author who in 1941 told about heroism of 28 soldiers of Panfilov’s division.


5. Sultanmakhmut Toraygyrov


Sultanmakhmut Toraygyrov was a prominent Kazak poet and democrat. He was born on October 29, 1893 in Kzyl-Tau area, Kokshetau region. At the age of four Sultanmakhmut moved to Bayan-Aul area, Pavlodar region. When he was 13 years old Toraygyrov started writing poems. The flourishing of social and philosophical poetry as well as genre and artistic enrichment of literature are connected with the name of Sultanmakhmut Toraygyrov. In 1914 he wrote the novel "Kamar Sulu", which was one of the most significant works in Kazakh literature of pre-revolutionary period.

6. Chokin Shafik Chokinovich


Chokin Shafik Chokinovich was Soviet and Kazakh scientist, energy analyst and founder of the energy science in Kazakhstan. He was born on October 1, 1912 in Bayan-Aul area, Pavlodar region. He became famous as the author and initiator of large-scale projects in the sphere of energy, one of Kanysh Satpaev’s followers.


7. Dmitriy Polikarpovich Bagaev


Dmitriy Polikarpovich Bagaev was a famous photographer, expert in regional history, founder and first director of the Regional Historical Museum of Local Lore named after G. N. Potanin. He was born in 1884 in the village of Tumany, Vyatsk province which was quite far from Pavlodar. In 1889 he arrived to Pavlodar to earn money. In 1905 he opened the first photo-studio in the city. His priceless photos reflect all significant historical events which occurred in Pavlodar at that time (revolution, famine, collectivisation, the Great Patriotic War, development of virgin lands).


8. Zhusipbek Aymautov


Zhusipbek Aymautov was a talented figure who’s aesthetic and artistic views were shaped at difficult times. He was born in 1889 in the village of Kyzyltau, Pavlodar area, Semipalatinsk province (today aul named after Zhusipbek Aymautov). He was a writer, poet, translator and pedagogue who made a significant contribution into the spiritual potential of the nation. At the same time he was a great actor, filmmaker and composer.
