If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

New findings at the Botay settlement

New findings at the Botay settlement - e-history.kz

Researchers from the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan in the course of studying the Botay settlement in North Kazakhstan region have found large bi-treated knives of flint, ground and polished stone axes, spears, arrows and darts and engraved phalanx. These artifacts are a classic example of using tools and weapons by the early breeders of the Kazakh steppes.




Findings are very well kept. According to Professor of Archeology Viktor Zaibert they date back to 4th-3rd millennium B.C.  

During the excavation of the dwellings’ cultural layer at the Botay settlement they have also found numerous bones of horses, utilized by the Botay people to make tools, weapons, household and worship items, as well as reclaimed bones which were not applied at home fields, but used as reinforcement for clay walls and other economic structures. 


The study is accompanied by solving the issues of architectural techniques’ specifics used by the Botay people for homebuilding. For imagery and detailed presentation of this architecture, the museum researchers have examined the reconstruction of two full-size Botay dwellings, interconnected with the passage located on Lake Shalkar. The residential complex was built on the basis of the Botay settlement excavations, led by Professor of Archaeology Viktor Zaibert.

At the same time, within the settlement examination, the museum staff made bush exploration of new archaeological sites. So, 11 kilometers east of Botay settlement on the right bank of River Iman Burluk, 2 kilometers west of village Kutuzovka in Aiyrtau region, on the edge of the third terrace 2 funerary structures were recorded. One of them is represented by a mound, which consists of earth. Its diameter is 26 meters, height 80 centimeters from the sole of the mound. 


Given the scientific significance of the Botay culture territory, which gave a powerful impetus to the development of the cultures of subsequent ages, the excavations of discovered objects will bring new information to the historical and cultural concept of the unique region of Kazakhstan. This expedition marks the research activities of the National Museum and is being conducted not only for the study of iconic monuments of history and culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan, but also for professional development of knowledge of researchers in the field of archeology and the history of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 