If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Botai inhabitants were the first on the planet who domesticated majestic horse

Botai inhabitants were the first on the planet who domesticated majestic horse - e-history.kz
Famous scientist, archeologist Victor Seibert in details told our portal the history of first horse domestication by inhabitants of the ancient settlement Botay near Kokshetau.

At first glance, it is seems to be a hoax. However, over 30 years of research the scientist and his colleagues from Kazakhstan, Russia, UK, USA and Germany proved that on the territory of Kazakhstan ancient nations, settled country between Ural and Irtysh rivers, for the first time on the planet domesticated freedom-loving horse.

During the years of excavations tens of thousands of horse bones were discovered at the settlement place. Horse helped travel vast distances, the animal, which gave such supernatural ability, was worshiped and at the same time was used for food, while its bones served like tools and material for construction. According to our calculations, people inhabiting these places used of up to 360 thousand horses, — archaeologist Victor Seibert says.

Botai people were the first who used base for the construction of homes. They mixed clay and bones, and used this solid foundation to build walls.

Excavations have given us an amazing discovery: we discovered a «preserving hole». This was a special place to put the whole horse carcass. Fire in this hole was burning for one to two weeks. During this time oxygen was burned and meat was dried. In this way, the meat was cooked before a long journey, for example, on the eve of migrating to pasture (dzhaylyau).


Originally Botay people, like Eguptians, had a binary representation of the world: the upper and the lower world. Goddess Nut exhaled morning light, and swallowed it at night. It was in the Neolithic period. But after domestication of horse, they had a new cult; the view of the world had changed. For a man upper, middle and lower world came into existence. Human being literally felt like God. Imagine, a man sat on the horse and began rapidly overcome the distance. He, divorced from the steppes, flew across the steppes on horseback followed by rustle of feather-grass. As Nekrasov said: «I fly quickly along cast-iron rails and think my thoughts». Horse had the speed up to 27 miles per hour.

Thus, a new disposition had appeared: upper word — Tengri, Sun, Space, Circle, Shanyrak, middle word — man, successor of God, lower word — the world of the departed.

We also discovered the bones of oxen. On pottery, found at the settlement, also has image of oxen, two wheels and drawbar. In the 4th millennium B.C. the nation, perhaps related to ancient Atlantis, came here. In the 6th millennium appears the Black Sea, its water-areal was filled. On the threshold of the global flood some people were killed, some escapes and goes in search of new habitats.

When people arrived to Botai they saw a great number of horses. Pallas, famous researcher, traveler, wrote that up to 1.5 million horses died only during jute. These newly arrived people already knew the technology of oxen domestication; they had scalpels for castration and hobbles. Having created definite cultural block with local Neolithic inhabitants they started horses’ domestication.


There is nothing surprising in the fact that Botai inhabitants used horses, their cult, as food. It was a kind of natural selection. In India people do not eat cow because it was originally imported as a cult. It did not exist on this territory under natural conditions; it was brought from the West, when the Aryans came to India. It was precisely after Botai time».
Scientists believe that the domestication of horse naturally entailed the development of riders’ culture and clothing. Primarily, of course, convenience was important. To ride a horse, Botai inhabitants invented pants; they also invented boots and malakhai.

People of ancient Botai more than 600 years bred horses. At that time they already knew how to form herd and carry out rejection of offspring.

Ludmila Vykhodchenko

translated by I.KUZMENKO

June 27, 2014
