If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Police Dynasties– the Guardians of Law and Order in the family

Police Dynasties– the Guardians of Law and Order in the family - e-history.kz
Today, on June 23, Kazakhstan’s policemen celebrate their professional holiday. In 1992 that day the Supreme Council adopted the Law «On Bodies of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Kazakhstan».

For the Department of Internal Affairs in Astana police dynasties are not a rarity. Nowadays children of veterans dedicated all their life to police service work here in different subdivisions.

A civilian probably could not deeply realize all the responsibility which rests on police staff and the selflessness which is demonstrated by them at work, regardless of the time, at any time, in any weather. Their strength is in it, when parents who came through the hard school of service can at firsthand transfer the experience to their children, support and guide them.

Certainly, every father will be proud if his children choose the profession to which he devoted the largest part of his life.

Family is a great thing. Nowhere else, except family with strong traditions, a child can learn a responsible attitude toward a work. It is very important when the experience and knowledge are transferred by right of succession from father to son, from grandfather to grandson.

In families where two, three or more generations work for the Department of Internal Affairs, such terms as patriotism, honor and call of duty are not just words. From childhood dynasties cultivate the respect for service, devotion to duty, the authority of the profession. In such families high moral values and the ability to sacrifice oneself for the sake of others are transferred from grandfather to father and then — to son. Very often children growing up in such families at an early age choose the way directly connected with the profession of their parents. Police dynasties are the special case because sons from early age, knowing about all hardships and difficulties they have to overcome, continue the work of their fathers. Those who know about the police, not only from films and various TV series, realize how the profession of police officer is difficult and thankless.

Astana Department of Internal Affairs has approximately twenty dynasties. The largest dynasties have more than hundred-year record. For instance, Kabiyev dynasty has 110 years. Kabiyeva Karlygash Amangeldinovna, police officer in the third generation, lieutenant colonel of police, is the Head of Informational-analytical section of the Department of Internal Affairs in Astana. Her grandfather, Irgebayev Alikhan Irgebayevich, during 33years worked as the district inspector, her father, Kabiyev Amangeldi, having served 17 years in the Section of Internal Affairs, retired on a pension as the Deputy Chief of Regional Department of Internal Affairs on operational work, mother, Kabiyeva Rsaldy Alikhanovna, during 28 years worked for the Office of Internal Affairs in Torgay region, brother, Kabiyev Serik Amangeldinovichis, Senior Investigator of the Office of Internal Affairs in Akmola region, had served in police during 12 years. In 2001 he was killed performing his duties.


Kabiyeva Karlygash Amangeldinovna


Grandfather -Irgebayev Alikhan Irgebayevich, father — Kabiyev Amangeldy


Mother — Kabiyeva Rsaldy, son (Kabiyeva Karlygash’s brother) — Kabiyev Serik

Musakhmetov dynasty has a real generational continuity. The total record of service in the bodies of internal affairs of father and his two sons counts 75 years. Police Colonel Musakhmetov Turarbek Baganalinovich worked as head of the Office of the Migration Police. The eldest son Musakhmetov Alibek Turarbekovich, police colonel, heads one of the most important departments of the police in the capital city which is Center of Operations Control, the second son Musakhmetov Sayranbek Turarbekovich, police sergeant commander of section of the separate platoon of convoy service of Astana Department of Internal Affairs.

Olzhabayev Madi Yesirkepovich, police major, senior investigator of cases of particular importance of Investigation Administration of Astana Department of Internal Affairs, is a hereditary policeman. His father Olzhabayev Yeserkep and grandfather Batyrbekov Olzhabay dedicated all their lives to police service, today they are retirees of the Ministry of Internal Affairs.

Sons of pensioner of the Ministry of Internal Affairs Shynybekov Tleuberli, who worked for the police more than thirty years, carried on the work of their father. Shynybekov Gumar Tanirbergenovich, police colonel, has been serving at the bodies of internal affairs for 19 years. Shynybekov Galy Tleuberliuly, senior operations officer at the Administration Combating Organized Crime of Astana Department of Internal Affairs, his brother Shynybekov Gosman Tleuberlinovich is a person on duty at the Center of Operational Control of Astana Department of Internal Affairs.


In the middle — father Shynybekov Tleuberli, on the left side — Shynybekov Galy Tleuberliuly, on the right — Shynybekov Gosman Tleuberlinovich

All these families transferring the experience from generation to generation create the real school of police.

Nurmagambetova Zauresh

Press-service of Astana Department of Internal Affairs

translated by I.KUZMENKO

June 24, 2014
