If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

"Why are we related?" or meeting with the Ambassador of Hungary

"Why are we related?" or meeting with the Ambassador of Hungary - e-history.kz
April 8, at the Institute of History of the State MES in Astana was a meeting with the Ambassador of Hungary in Kazakhstan.

“As you know that in 2007 was created the Union of Hungarian Kipchaks, where N. Nazarbayev was elected as honored leader. The interesting conversation began to tie before the arrival of Imre Lasloskim, the extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Kazakhstan. The area of Kipchak’s settlement is Kostanay region, where was Attila’s headquarter”.

The close attention of one the staff member was interrupted by the ambassador who entered to the conference hall. “We talk about the history of the ancient Hungarians, although I am not a historian, he amends, the modern Kazakh-Hungarian relations and at the end will be surprise”. From the first minutes the ambassador caused keen interest among those who were at the meeting.

“Why are we related? — asks the ambassador, — as we feel Attila’s grandchildren”. Today, Ankara is the only place where there is a monument to Attila. This year it will be installed in Hungary in the palace, where the leader was buried. From Hungary he started destroy the whole Europe.

Only 50 words in Hungarian language similar to Finno-Ugric words, Hungarian language has 50 words similar with Finno-Ugric and 3000 words with language of Turkic nation, especially with Kazakh words. “I support to be closer to Turkic people rather than Finno-Ugric” — said the ambassador.  

Magyars are our ancestors who lived in Togay, West part of Kazakhstan. The genetic examination conducted 10-12 years ago is the evidence for that

The evidence for that is genetic examination conducted 10-12 years ago and results from it so for nobody has not denied.  

According to the written source, in 1236 of 13th century the Army of Kotyan came to the territory of Hungary. There is a letter of Batu to the king: “Give me back my servants”. Certainly, part of the Kipchaks returned to Kazakhstan, but in Hungary still live 200 thousand of people, who consider themselves as direct descendants of the Kipchaks.

Hungary is one the first countries that recognized the independence of Kazakhstan. “I want to say that from this year the students of undergraduate, postgraduate and Ph.D. will be granted scholarship to study in Hungary, also the President of Kazakhstan N. Nazarbayev will visit to the country. We believe that we will sign an agreement about strategic partnership” this news became the promised “surprise”.

Hungarians is the only nation in Europe who has nomadic roots. Despite that many people criticized us, we are very proud of it. We also consider ourselves “horsemen”, i.e. horse people. We also drink mare’s milk, eat horse meat and our ancestor lived in yurts. Interestingly that in Kazakhstan there is only one factory for yurt production, whereas in Hungary there are twenty.  Every year we spend ethno-cultural events, put our yurts in the streets, dress in national cloths, cook the meals and organize competitions. Two years ago such celebration hit the Guinness Book of Record, proudly tells Imre Laslotski. By the way, Hungart is only country in Europe where freely sold and consumed horsemeat.

B. Yagan, the director of Institute of History of State: “Hungarians proud of their origins compare to Bulgarians, who up until now do not have monument to Khan Asparuh, so as not to emphasize their Asian roots”.  

During the roundtable was discussed the kinship of Hungarians with Pechenegs. “Not far from the place where I was born, there is a settlement where the habitants consider themselves Pechengs. When people came to Hungary from Western Kazakhstan, we fought against the Pechenegs.  In Hungarian language the word Pechenegs sounds like “Beshenu”, i.e. “Mad”, for Kazakhs this word associate with Dzungars.

In conclusion, summarizing above mentioned, Imre Laslotski repeated existing statement ”The Hungarians are the Western Kazakhs, where Kazakhs are Eastern Hungary” 
