If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Ancient Otyrar in Aktobe

Ancient Otyrar in Aktobe  - e-history.kz
In Aktobe regional museum opened a traveling exhibition of artifacts of ancient Otrar.

A traveling exhibition of Otrar archeological museum was opened at the regional historical museum. The exhibits were discovered during excavations of the ancient city Otrar.

Otrar is one of the oldest cities of Central Asia, whose history dates back almost two thousand years. Due to its favorable geographical position Otrar oasis located at the intersection of several historical branches of the Silk Road. That is why civilization was highly developed in the city, as evidenced not only by founded various artisan products during excavations, but also the remains of the aqueduct, baths and even sewage. The city had a clear plan of streets, squares and neighborhoods. The presence of mint coinage, water supply and sewerage indicates developed urban life.

Represented exhibits dated from the early 8th century AD. There are household utensils of clay, gold and silver coins, jewelry, a number of books, fragments of ancient baths and even the first plumbing among them. The exhibition lasts till the end of April.
