If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The exhibition of restored museum exhibits - "Revitalize and Preserve"


 The exhibition Revitalize and Preserve" was opened in the Central State Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

  The fund collections of one of the largest museums of Kazakhstan has about 300,000 units. One of the main activities of the Museum is the restoration and revitalization of historical artifacts. Unfortunately, over the time, museum objects becoming old, and so their restoration is an integral part of the preservation of historical and cultural values.

  Restoration (Latin restavratio - recovery) is a set of measures (preventive inspection, preservation, and restoration) to prevent the subsequent damage and achieving optimal conditions of prolonged preservation of artefacts.

  The Restoration Center operates in the CGM of the Republic of Kazakhstan since 1986. It includes the restoration experts who works in different fields in accordance with the division of the fund's collection by types of materials in such areas as graphics, ceramics, soft equipment, wood, leather, bone and metal. The experienced professionals who laid the methods of restoration of monuments through practice stood at the root of the center. The restorers of the CGM center of the Republic of Kazakhstan not only improving their skills along with the interning and achieving certificates of certain restoration centers i.e. the restoring department of the funds of the State Historical Museum in the restoration workshop of graphics, oil painting and pottery (Moscow); in the "All-Russian scientific and artistic restoration center named after academician I.E. Grabar" (Moscow); in the sector of tissue restoration "of the Russian State Museum" (St. Petersburg); the Istanbul Central Laboratory of Restoration and Conservation (State Museum of Topkapi Palace, Turkish Republic), but also sharing their knowledge that were acquired in the field of restoration with colleagues from all regions of Kazakhstan.

  The aim of this exhibition is to show the contribution of the Restoration Center of CGM of the Republic of Kazakhstan towards the saving of the museum values​​. Thus, about 916 exhibits were restored during the last three years.

  The exhibition "Revitalize and Preserve" presented:

  - Items, the creation of which is the result of a hard and challenging work of the museum conservators. They represent only a small part of the restored items: paintings, watercolor paintings, valuable documents and manuscripts, archaeological finds, household utensils, weapons, jewelry, musical instruments and other objects of historical and cultural value.

  - Restoration documentation that contains an information about the process of restoration of museum objects: acts of reception and issue, passports, minutes of meetings of the Board of the Restoration Museum.

  - Illustrations - photos of subjects before and during the restoration.

  The visitors will be able to compare the state of the exhibits before and after restoration.

  The exhibition of restored museum exhibits - "Revitalize and Preserve" will be open until March 6.