If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

"The Portal "History of Kazakhstan": the concept and experience of systematization of scientific and educational web content"


On February 18, 2014, at 10 o'clock, the Institute of History and Ethnology named after C. Valikhanov at: Almaty, Shevchenko 28, will hold the theoretical and practical seminar “History of Kazakhstan: the concept and experience of systematization of scientific and educational web content".

The seminar will be attended by representatives of the Kazakh Research Institute of the historical focus and historical departments of the universities of Kazakhstan, as well as Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan, the developer – LLP "KaznetMedia", JSC "Kazcontent".

Abzhanov H.M. the Director of the Institute of History and Ethnography, the corresponding member of NAS of the Republic of Kazakhstan, Doctor of Historical sciences, Professor

Murzakulov S. the Senior Expert of Science and Technology Policy of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan

About the content filling of web portal "History of Kazakhstan": achievements and new challenges

Kapenov S. the Chief Editor of the web - portal “History of Kazakhstan"

Questions about the content of the portal "History of Kazakhstan"

Auanasova A.M. the Scientific Advisor of the portal, chief researcher at the Institute of History of State.

Sulejmenov A.M. the Senior Researcher of the Institute of History and State

About the experience in the development of the structure and content of web-portal e-history.kz

Mamunova N. the head of the web projects of "KAZNET Media"

Zelenskiy S.Y. the Lead Programmer of "KAZNET Media"

Technical aspects of the functioning of the portal "History of Kazakhstan" – KaznetMedia

Alimgazinov K.S. the Head of the Department of Historiography, Source and modern methodology of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after C. Valikhanov

Modern digital instruments scientific heuristics

Teleuova E.D.the Associate of the al-Farabi

The efficiency of use of the web content in the education system

Akhmetbek B. the Senior Lecturer of Kyzylorda State University named after Korkyt Ata

The importance and relevance of a web portal "History of Kazakhstan” in the region of Syr-Darya

Nogaeva Z.K. the Head of Department of external relations, information and scientific cluster, Ph.D.

History of Saryagashsk district (village Kablanbek)

Tolenova Z.M. the Senior Researcher of external relations, information and scientific cluster, Ph.D., Associate Professor

Problems of Regional Studies (based on the archival materials)

Abdulina A.T the Senior Researcher of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Ph.D

History of Saryagashsk district (village Kablanbek)

Orynbayev G.U the Senior Researcher of the Department of Ethnology and Anthropology, Ph.D

History, culture and contemporary social and economic development of Maktaaral (based on the expedition).
