If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The Exhibition of the dynasty of painters "Art Triangle"

The Creativity of artists covers different periods in the history of contemporary visual art of Kazakhstan: socialist realism, the new Kazakh art of mid-70s and 80s.

The Creativity of artists covers different periods in the history of contemporary visual art of Kazakhstan: socialist realism, the new Kazakh art of mid-70s and 80s.

The exhibition "Art Triangle" of the artists from Karaganda, Raimkul Esirkeev, Kuanysh Esirkeev and Meiram Esirkeev, was organized by the gallery of modern art "Aru-ART"- reports inform.kz.

Around 50 paintings, written in the period from 1958 to 2012, will be presented during the exhibition. The exhibition "Art Triangle" will be opened until January, 15 2014.

Three artists from the same family, it would seem that this “allied” fact could determine the single artistic style and genre as well as the one time period for all of them. However, we have three different artists whose works cover the different periods in the history of contemporary visual art of Kazakhstan: socialist realism, the new Kazakh art of mid-70s and 80s.

The father, Esirkeev Raimkul (1921-1980) is a member of the Union of Artists of the USSR, Honored Worker of the Kazakh SSR.  R. Esirkeev is one of the founders of Karaganda regional organization of the Union of Artists of Kazakhstan. His paintings performed in a realistic manner, proclaiming the triumph of the socialist system. The basic theme of the creativity of R. Eserkeev is a human. He is famous for his numerous portraits of fellows. His works are filled with warmth and sincerity, the «type» of people of the Soviet period is imprinted on them. He raised two sons and artists: Kuanysh and Meiram .

The eldest son - Kuanish (was born in 1947) graduated from the Art School named after N.V Gogol in Alma-Ata and from the State Academic Art Institute named after V.I Surikov in Moscow. He is a member of the Artists' Union of Kazakhstan, a nominee for the USSR State Prize in the field of fine arts (1989).

K. Esirkeev is one of the first artists of the 70s, who wrote about the tragedy of the Kazakh people during the Soviet collectivization («1916», «The sounds of kobyz», «Aul»).  The artist departs from the academic stereotypes and creates his own style “Esirkeev style”. Unfortunately, his works has not been recognized by the official Soviet institutions. The artist retired into oneself and therefore his inner protest finds its expression in his future works with a clear design pattern, where there is no “narration”, they are static and silent. It seemed that it depicts reality, but on closer examination it is the utopian view on the routine («The Industrial Landscape», «The milkmaid», «A new mine»). A special attention could be drawn to the portraits where the artist broke down his feelings and endowed his models with the emotional stress, the burden of the past and some of his life tragedy. Kuanish Esirkeev is one of the most talented artists of Kazakhstan; his works identified him as one of the most important person of the Kazakh contemporary art.

The Younger son – Meyram (was born in 1950) graduated from Karaganda Polytechnic Institute (1968-1973). He is a member of the Artists' Union of Kazakhstan.

M. Esirkeev paints the landscapes, his favorite topic the Balkhash Lake, where the artist used to work as a part of the fishermen team. His heroes are just fishermen, the hard work of which is often connected with the risk for their lives. The voltage and the severity of the situation have been achieved with the use of the dark shades of the lake of emerald green color and with the heavy clouds which are hanged over the water («The fishermen of the Balkhash», «The Putin fishermen», «The night fishing»). The steppe landscapes that were painted by Meiram, are characterized by the amazing autumn color, which is transmitting the nostalgic yearning for the past summer days and for the time that has been lost. 
