If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

"The Kazakh Christmas Tale" exhibition will be opened in the Museum of Modern Art in the city of Astana.

The New Year Art Competition of drawings, crafts and Christmas ornaments “The Kazakh Christmas Tale” will be attended by people of all ages and from almost all regions of Kazakhstan.

Within the scale of their works the contestants were supposed to reflect the knowledge of the history, traditions and culture of Kazakhstan: "Draw, make dolls and Christmas decorations that are associated with the fact that Kazakhstan symbolizes for you”.

The Republican exhibition "The Kazakh Christmas Tale" will be opened in the Museum of Modern Art, reports inform.kz.

The exhibition is organized by the non-profit organization «Kol oneri» with the support of the museum, the National Commission of the Republic of Kazakhstan for UNESCO and ISESCO, Akimat of Astana, the Academy of Arts of Kazakhstan, the Department of Culture and Information of Astana with the support of Kazakhstan Press Club.

The New Year Art Competition of drawings, crafts and Christmas ornaments “The Kazakh Christmas Tale” will be attended by people of all ages and from almost all regions of Kazakhstan. More than 700 works will be presented on the contest. According to the rules and conditions of the competition, we could identify three nominations: "Picture", "Doll" and "Christmas toy."

Within the scale of their work the contestants were supposed to reflect the knowledge of the history, traditions and culture of Kazakhstan: "Draw, make dolls and Christmas decorations that are associated with the fact that Kazakhstan symbolizes for you”. And it is not only Baiterek or Khan Shatyr in the list; there are also the Kazakh folk instruments and ornaments, fairy tales, proverbs and songs. The original ideas and fantasies based on the Kazakh theme are welcome as well. You may recall the fact that Kazakhstan is famous for its natural landmarks, rare birds and animals. The main thing is that the work should be connected to Kazakhstan.

The best works in two age categories were presented after a preliminary selection:

1) From 5 to 15 years

2) From 15 to 105 years.

Currently the organizing committee determines the winners. The award ceremony will take place in the museum on January 2014, during the last days of the competition. All authors of the awarded works will be informed by e- mail or telephone Lists of winners will be posted on the website of the Museum of Modern Art in Astana

The winners will receive the following rewards: 3 places will be determined in each category (in each age group separately), 9 winners will receive the valuable prizes and the Audience Award will be determined as well. The prizes from the sponsors and organizers will be available in each category. . Each participant will receive a certificate, while the most active leaders and the schools will receive the thank-you letters.

The Republican exhibition "The Kazakh Christmas Tale" will be opened in the Museum from December, 8 to December, 12 2014.