If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The pre-release of the historical TV series “Baurzhan Momyshuly” was held in Astana.

For one evening, the cinema “Kinopark 7” was decorated in the style of the 40-ies. At the entrance – girls in tunics, boys in trousers and calf boots№

For one evening, the cinema “Kinopark 7” was decorated in the style of the 40-ies. At the entrance – girls in tunics, boys in trousers and calf boots, reported the news agency «Zakon.kz».

And this is not a rehearsal of the anniversary of Victory in the Great Patriotic War. The pre-release of the historical TV series “Baurzhan Momyshuly” was held in the hall number 4.Among the audience – the leading man of the TV series, young Kazakh actor Erkebulan Dayirov, who played the role of Baurzhan Momyshuly, and Assel Sagatova, who created a unique image of spouse and hero -  Jamal.

The idea of creation of a historical project about the Hero of the Soviet Union, the combatant of the Moscow battle and the writer Baurzhan Momyshuly, belongs to the team of the “Khabar” Agency. The restoration of this page of the history was entrusted to the well known Kazakh director Akan Sataev. The filming took place in Talgar (Almaty region) and Minsk (Belarus). At the heart of the subject - the story of Alexander Beck named "Volokolamsk Highway". The director was unable to present the full TV series during the pre-release, so the featured actors, as well as the author of the idea Aidos Ukibayev, were under the aim of the video cameras.

For me it is a great honor to play the role of Baurzhan Momyshuly. In my opinion, it’s in the Kazakh blood to be brave, to protect the motherland, your friends and family. That is why our people should be proud of such hero as Baurzhan Momyshuly.  Yes, he had a complex character, perhaps even rasper. I tried to learn as much as possible about him, what was his opinion on things, what hand he used to hold a cigarette and the way he walked – told the leading man, Erkebulan Dayirov.

The first time I met Erkebulan was during the audition and I was surprised by his stunning portrait similarity with the main character. My role was also quite hard, mainly because of a large responsibility. I read a lot of literature about Baurzhan Momyshuly. However, the literature only provides an understanding of the main character; there was almost nothing about his family. Thus, I decided to talk with the descendants of Baurzhan Momyshuly, as well as to read the book of Zeynep Akhmetova, the daughter-in-law of Baurzhan Momyshuly, who wrote a lot about his family, said Assel Sagatova during the pre-release.

As it was said by Takhaui Ahtanov: «It is hard to live a nonstandard life in the standard society». It takes a lot of courage to be a life partner and extraordinary person at the same time.Baurzhan Momyshuly had a complex character and a sharp temper that is why he was different. Unfortunately, the image of his wife never appeared before and remained only in the works of his son Bakhytzhan Momyshuly. Therefore, I am very happy that the image of this heroic woman was shown in this film. Besides, Assel Sagatova looks very similar to Jamal-ana in her young days – said the daughter-in-law of the hero Zeynep Akhmetova.

The lead actor also shared some secret information about the film. As it turned out, the special stunt, so called “trick riding” was performed by the stuntman named Maksat, from the “Nomad” stunt association of Almaty.

Not that many houses left and if they will be demolished, our filmmakers will be deprived of “the living decorations” of 40-ies and 60-ies of the last century – said Erkebulan Dayirov with a share of disappointment. According to the actor, the main audience of this TV series should be a youth.

The small hall could not accommodate all those invited to the pre-release.

The wife of the son of Baurzhan Momyshuly, Zeynep Akhmetova, wished success to the film crew.

  I want young people to see this film. The words "honor", "pride" and "patriotism" was one of the most important concepts for Baurzhan-ata. Today, such films is of a great importance for our people, because we are trying to copy the west and the east approaches of filmmaking, while forgetting that we have our own heroes - said Zeynep Akhmetova

Finally the creative team of the film was photographed with the descendants of the Hero of the Soviet Union, the writer Baurzhan Momyshuly.

The professional and organic symbiosis of the Kazakh and Russian speech and the use of a rare frames from the film archives, gave the movie an unusual look. The premiere of the TV series is scheduled for December, 17 on the channel “Khabar”.
