The book is like a child. It is not easy to give birth to a child; the child needs upbringing, he needs to get on his feet. So the book, the author goes with it a long way from the idea to the manuscript, from layout to publication. And that is not all. The most touching and important moment is the presentation of your creation, on which the public will make its verdict. And for the author this is a very exciting moment. Thousands of questions sweep through your mind: how will the reader perceive the book? And what if there will be criticism? Someone will come, but someone refuses? And we must think about this. Understanding the author's feelings, we managed to ask several questions Altaiy Iranbekkyzy before the presentation.
- Your book, your scientific work, has an interesting name - "The formula of statehood of Kazakhs". Did you open this formula?
- That's right. I hope that the formula of statehood of Kazakhs is just one of those basic constants that emanate from geopolitical, socio-cultural, political and legal aspects of statehood; concepts that is statehood. These are such constructs as Uly Dala - an understanding that served as the backdrop for the genesis of Kazakh statehood. This, of course, is the nomads of Eurasia who conveyed a peculiar spirit, a kind of architects who laid the architecture of the Kazakh statehood. Of course, these are the Turkic and Mongolian traditions of statehood. These are, in fact, social institutions, traditions of traditional Kazakh society, like akyn, zhyrau, bi, batyrs, and the phenomenon, first of all, Ush Tagan, which is imprinted on the cover of the book.
Ush tagan is a symbol of stability, the unity of our society, invented in order to keep the people of Kazakh Eli in unity on a large territory. I think we can talk a lot about this topic. Please read the book, here it is written in more detail.
- This work is the result of your many years’ scientific practice, but in every book there is some kind of novelty, some new breathing, and a new look. What new things have you presented in this book?
- In the rapidly discussed article "Ruhani Jangyru" our President says that we must take into account new trends, feel a new time, a new person of this time who requires new tools of knowledge. Proceeding from this, I made such an attempt to conceptualize our statehood in the context of world history. What are today’s promises regarding statehood, applied to the history of Kazakhstan, considered in the government such types of directions that work at an interdisciplinary level, that approach our history from various aspects.
- I would like to know, are there some new documents, new sources in your book?
- Of course, these are new materials on state studies - a new direction, of which I have already mentioned. But every scientist has his own style, the presentation of material - in this case I am more, perhaps, guided by theoretical and methodological things: how correctly to consider, from what positions, the conceptual approach. Of course, I am not a source researcher; accordingly, from historical facts familiar to us, I have identified the elements of statehood that are necessary for me, for consideration and foundation, that we have elements of statehood. There is a statehood of Kazakh Eli!
- Now in the domestic history there are several important dates in the development of the Kazakh statehood: in 2015, we celebrated the 550th anniversary of the Kazakh Khanate, the 25th anniversary of the Republic of Kazakhstan was celebrated last year, and the centenary of Alash Autonomy is celebrated in the coming days. How do these dates fit into your construct?
- Undoubtedly, without these dates statehood of Kazakhs can not take place. Statehood is a treasure that requires a thrilling attitude; it is not just an intangible official design. Statehood emphasizes the spiritual heritage, millennial values, traditions polished by centuries, which are still preserved today. We saw some elements of what is happening, so yesterday and today, the unity of yesterday's and today's is described here.
- To whom is your book intended?
- The book is intended for researchers who work at the intersection of different sciences, use an interdisciplinary approach. It can be historians, philosophers, political scientists, jurists, lawyers - that is, for today's generation, a new generation of scientists.
- I think every scientist will find something for himself in your book.
- I hope so. Thank you.
Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA