If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly


In Almaty was held a solemn meeting with participation of Nursultan Nazarbayev who delivered a welcome speech

Based on information of the press office of Akorda National Digital History web-portal reported that President Nursultan Nazarbayev yesterday took part in the opening session of the General Assembly of National Academy of Sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan.

Almaty, Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet Theatre named after Abay

President congratulated all the participants of the session on the 70th anniversary of National Academy of Sciences, emphasizing its contribution to the development of modern Kazakhstan.

- Today, the Academy of Sciences is a major intellectual center, including sectorial and regional offices. However, like the French Academy of Sciences, the United States and other countries, it is not engaged in the administration of foreign to science. World experience shows that centralization and monopoly in science is ineffective, - said the President of Kazakhstan.

Nursultan Nazarbayev stressed the achievements of the Academy in the development of the Kazakh Science, and drew attention to the importance of the country's scientific potential in realization of the Message "Third Modernization of Kazakhstan: global competitiveness."

The Head of State highlighted several current issues in relation to the national management and coordination of research activities.

- We decentralized science. Most of it we gave the universities, but yet it did not become innovation centers. Kazakhstan scientists actively patent their results. However, the vast majority of patents are not claimed. Financing of science is carried out mainly at the expense of the state. Orders of the real sector are practically not involved. The scientific papers often contain plagiarism, - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

In this regard, the President of Kazakhstan instructed to radically change approaches to the development of science and set a number of specific tasks in this area.

- We adopted a law on the commercialization of scientific and technical developments. Now, it is necessary that the law earned the full. It is necessary to introduce mechanisms that guide research and development to the needs of Kazakhstani enterprises. Our challenge is the development of import substitution and export production, - Nursultan Nazarbayev said.

In addition, Kazakhstan's President stressed the need to improve the quality of the examination of fundamental and humanitarian research projects, involving for this purpose the potential of the Academy.

A new science management system, funding of which is conducted on the new format, and must be realized in time. Also I propose to establish under the Academy of Sciences a collegial body on ethics, which would develop a Code of scientist and the Code on Ethics of publications, - said Nursultan Nazarbayev.

The Head of State entrusted the Ministry of Education and Science in collaboration with the Academy and universities in the implementation of the work on the promotion of domestic scientific publications in international rating databases.

Also, the President of Kazakhstan was commissioned on the establishment of additional grants to the best researchers for training in world-class research centers, as well as to consider the allocation of grants from the Central Asian countries to young scientists for research works in Kazakhstan.


Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA

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