If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The image of legendary Keiki batyr

The image of legendary Keiki batyr - e-history.kz
About deeds, bravery of Keiki batyr, his strive for making his people happy and independent are written many books, stories, poems and documentary tales

With the working group of the Ministry of Culture and Sports RK was finished the complex of scientific works on the recreation of appearance and sculpture reconstruction of the national hero. On that was known at the meeting of the Minister of Culture and Sports RK A.Mukhamediuly with the members of working group upon the return of the remnants of Keiki batyr, reports the portal National Digital History with reference to the Press Service of the Ministry of Culture and Sports RK. As noted the Minister A.Mukhamediuly, the Ministry of Culture and Sports RK conducted the huge work on the issue of the transfer of remnants to Kazakhstan of one of the bright leaders of national-liberation movement of the Kazakh people Keiki batyr.

It is known that the remnants of national hero were kept in the Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography named after Peter the Great of the Russian Academy of Science in St.Petersburg for almost the whole century. “This historic event has the important significance for the state and all our national history. The Ministry of Culture of Russia and personally the Minister of Culture Vladimir Medinsky lent the full support. The colossal joint work on the solution of the issue on the transfer to Kazakhstan and organization of the transportation of the remnants was carried out”, - marked the Minister A.Mukhamediuly. The return of Keiki batyr remnants to Kazakhstan is the result of the agreements of the Prime-Ministers of two countries.

According to A.Mukhamediuly, the understanding of the significance of the transfer of Keiki batyr remnants was intended for the consolidation of benevolent relations between our people. Kazakhstan and Russia, namely, the Ministries of Culture of Kazakhstan and Russia, Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Kazakhstan, Museum of Anthropology and Ethnography of the Russian Academy of Sciences carried out the great joint, historic work on the return of remnants to Kazakhstan.

Upon the end of the scientific research of Hungarian scientists told a famous scientist, director of the Central state museum RK Nursan Alimbay.

 “At the restoration of Keiki batyr were certain difficulties. According to the anthropologists’ words made seven most difficult strikes at the head of legendary ancestor. There were also other skull injuries. However, notwithstanding all the complications, thanks to the modern technologies for the conduct of anthropological reconstructions, during two months of hard work Hungarian scientists managed to reconstruct Keiki batyr image”, reported N.Alimbay.

About deeds, bravery of Keiki batyr, his strive for making his people happy and independent are written many books, stories, poems and documentary tales.

Among them is Serik Turgynbayev’s historic dastan “Keiki batyr” issued in 2001. In 2014 Sh.Baidildin published the book of “Keiki batyr”. This year was reissued the book about Keiki batyr by a talented writer A.Nurmanov “Kulannyn azhaly” in an edition of 2000 copies.

In 2017 is planned the issue of historic monography “Keiki batyr” by O.Bekmagambetov. Hereafter, by the Ministry of Culture is planned the staging of the performance, production of documentaries and fiction films about Keiki batyr, told in the information of the Press Service of the department. It is to be recalled that Keiki batyr skull was brought to Kazakhstan in October this year with the support of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the Ministry of Culture in Moscow.
