If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

In 1675 Aktamberdy Saryuly - a poet and storyteller, zhyrau, batyr and social activist was born

March 7, 1994 is the Day when elections were held for the first Parliament of independent Kazakhstan.

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Birthday of Yermek Serkebayev – outstanding Kazakh opera singer

Birthday of Yermek Serkebayev – outstanding Kazakh opera singer - e-history.kz
Yermek Serkebayev is a prominent Soviet Kazakh opera singer (lyric baritone), chairman of the Kazakhstan Union of Musicians, the soloist of the Kazakh State Academic Opera and Ballet named after Abay, People’s Artist of Kazakhstan and the Kazakh SSR, Professor, Hero of Socialist Labor, laureate of State prizes of the USSR and Kazakhstan, winner of the International Vocal Competition, winner of two awards at the National competition of vocalists and dancers, the winner of «Tarlan». He was born in Petropavlovsk. Yermek graduated the Almaty School of Music named after Tchaikovsky (now Almaty College of Music named after Tchaikovsky), Kazakh National Conservatory named after Kurmangazy. The singer has created an excellent gallery of portraits of opera. Among the significant images was Abay in Akhmet Zhubanov and Latif Hamidi’ opera, Kozhagulov and Amangeldi from operas «Birzhan and Sarah», Onegin and Eletskii «Eugene Onegin» and «Queen of Spades» by Pyotr Tchaikovsky, Figaro in «The Barber of Seville» by Gioachino Rossini, Petruchio «The Taming of the Shrew», warriors Er Targyn Alpamys from operas Eugene Brusilovsky and Erkegaliya Rakhmadiyeva and others. He was an outstanding performer of contemporary Kazakh vocal music. Yermek was filmed in «Nash milyi doctor», «Pesnya zovet» and «Angel v tubiteike». During the tour, he visited more than 50 countries. He was awarded with orders «Otan» Red Banner of Labor, the October Revolution, two Orders of «Lenin» medals. December 22, 2011 the presentation of the book «Yermek Serkebayev. Life, youth and happiness» — about the life and work of the People’s Artist of the USSR, the outstanding opera singer Yermek Serkebayev was held in Almaty. Author of the book is his daughter Irina Serkebayeva.