If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The head of the state participated in the festivity dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence

The head of the state participated in the festivity dedicated to the 25th anniversary of Independence  - e-history.kz
In the Palace of Independence where was conducted the festive occasion were introduced the State symbols of the country and was sung the Anthem

The Chairman of the Senate of the Parliament RK Kasym-Zhomart Tokayev delivered the speech and underlined that at today’s festive occasion take part outstanding activists of the country, contributing a lot to the development, fortification of Independence, “Independence of Kazakhstan and the name of the Head of the state have similar notion. That is why, on behalf of the whole country with all my heart congratulate the Head of the state Nursultan Nazarbayev on this memorable holiday and express deep gratitude for his wise politics”, - said the speaker of the Senate. After that Tokayev gave the floor to the President RK Nursultan Nazarbayev.

“Dear compatriots! Let me in all sincerity congratulate all of you on the huge festive and achievement of our country – 25 years of Independence! 16 December 1991 we proclaimed our Independence and reported about that to the whole world. We placed our State flag in the United Nations of a turquoise color, our Anthem became known in the whole world, we made our State the eternal stamp”, said N.Nazarbayev.

The President noted, that the idea of Eternal country, which appeared 1500 years ago is now the national idea.

Today, Kazakhstan became the recognized by world community state with united people.


Gani Kasymov, Deputy of the Senate of the Parliament RK:

– For a short period of time we conducted so many reforms, entered so many world communities. We achieved good results in economics, science and education, in the sphere of healthcare.

We have precise direction to the future, we are to enter 30 developed countries of the world, that means that we have to further develop the state, youth politics and honorably carry out duty.


Kuanysh Sultanov, Deputy of the Parliament RK:

- First, it is the day when we created our own state, not simple state, but recognized one in the whole world and the state with great perspectives. On this way we overcame so many obstacles, but one should not stop at the achieved, ahead of us are many tasks assigned to us by the Head of the state.

Congratulate you on the Day of Independence, wish wealth to your country and the Head of the state.


Danial Akhmetov, Akim of Eastern – Kazakhstan oblast:

- Independence – the result of high aspirations and steadfast honor directed to the freedom of Kazakh people. Independence – the source of historic achievements and invaluable wealth of Kazakhstan for 25 years! Thus, to save independence and transfer to the next generation is a sacred duty of each of us. Besides, Astana –a bright sample of benevolent beginnings of the Leader of Nation Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbayev.

Astana is not only the center of political, scientific and spiritual-cultural life of the country, but also the world center where are solved the global issues. The evidence to that serves the fact that Kazakhstan is the permanent member of the Council of   Security of the UN. At the next upcoming international exhibition “EXPO-2017” the attention of the whole world will be compelled to our capital, and it is also connected with independence.



Translated by Malika MURSALIM

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