If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Within the capital newspaper is already half a century!

Within the capital newspaper is already half a century! - e-history.kz
In Astana everyone knows the newspaper “Info-Tses”. This year it turned 25 years. Because of that in the ENU named after L.Gumilyev was conducted the meeting with chief editor from the newspaper Serge

In the Eurasian National University was held the meeting with chief editor from the newspaper Sergey Leskovskiy. The organizer was the literature-journalist club “Simurg”. At the meeting also were present the Dean of the Faculty of Journalism and Political Science Kairat Sak, the Chair of the Department of Publishing docent Aitmukhambet Yesdauletov, Dinara Kusian, one of the workers of the newspaper in the past.

The newspaper “Info-Tses” – the contemporary of Independence. 14 September 1991 came out the first issue of the newspaper “Info-Tses”. In far 1991 for the first time the founders of the newspaper applied the marketing step - the first issue of the newspaper was spread absolutely for free!

But shop-assistants in newspaper stand anyway did not give more than one newspaper to one hand. The editor of the issue was Victor Lezhnev. The first team consisted of the experienced journalists – S. Chernyavskaya, N. Savelyeva, V. Kovalyev, N. Streltsova, N.Buravtseva, G.Aleksin, V.Shevalye and others. The articles always differed with interesting way of writing, a reader could find the material to any taste. The editors made the accent on private adverts and this right away allowed to newspaper to gain popularity and become a leader of sales.

One more peculiarity of the newspaper was the distribution of the newspaper through private sellers. For implementators was made a good discount, they were provided with special clothes. Adolescents could earn their first money. It was important in the century of market economy.

In 2002 was issued the e-version of the newspaper.

Photos of the archive of the newspaper “Info-Tses” reflect various moments of history of formation of the capital

For a quarter of century the editors confidentially landed on feet, weekly circulation is 13000 samples, in the collective work about 40 specialists. “Info-Tses” is more than 30 informative pages and over 50 pages with advertisement offers. Periodicity - 1 time a week, on Fridays. The newspaper has two sites: www.info-tses.kz and www.astinfo.kz.

Media-team of the newspaper differs with professionalism and stability, more than a half of the staff work in the newspaper for 10-20 years. Since 2001 Editor-in-chief of “Info-Tses” is the famous Kazakhstan journalist Sergey Leskovskiy. The main factors of the solid leading position of “Info-Tses” at the market media – the provision with modern, topical and interesting information residents of the capital, established, reliable ties with partners, wholesale and retail distributors, constant advertisers. The club “Simurg” organized the meeting on the theme “Actual problems of modern journalism”. The seminar turned out to be interesting for the students of the Faculty of Journalism of the ENU named after L.N.Gumilyov, discussion of actual problems lasted for more than 2 hours.

Sergey Leskovskiy shared with rich experience, together with future journalists were discussed the problems of the competition of printed media with internet-editions, pressure on media, popularity of the internet and social network, newspapers will not die.

 “Theaters did not die, movie did not die, so, newspapers will live as well”, - noted Sergey Leskovskiy. Modern “Info-Tses” does not go behind from world trends.

The newspaper exists not only in printed, but also in electronic version. And the attendance of sites exceeds the printed circulation many times. During the meeting Editor-in-chief told about the history of “Info-Tses”, contemporary state of the newspaper, perspectives of the development. It did not get by without questions from students. They were interested in everything, from art literature to construction of the AES in Kazakhstan.

The head of the journalist club “Simsurg” professor Asima Ishanova marked symbolic nature in the thing that newspaper came out 25 years ago, in the year of the gaining Independence by Kazakhstan. At the end of the meeting Sergey Leskovsky was given the letter of gratitude. 



Translated by Malika MURSALIM

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