Fertile lands of Northern Kazakhstan are famous not only of high bread yields - main wealth of the steppe expanse, but also of precious scatterings of their talents, showed in different fields of art and literature, the social life of our multinational Motherland. North Kazakhstan Universal Scientific Library named after S.Mukanov, within days of the North-Kazakhstan region in Astana holds in the National Academic Library of the Republic of Kazakhstan the presentation of book-illustrative exhibition "North-Kazakhstan region: a constellation of talents".
The exhibition presents a rich book - illustrative and electronic material about famous people of the North-Kazakhstan region. It is home to an outstanding poet M.Zhumabayev, the classics of Kazakh literature: S.Mukanov, G.Musrepov, I.Shukhov, S.Shaimerdenov, G. Belger, S.Zhunusov, S.Sadvokasov and many other writers and poets. A special place in the exhibition is given to social workers and politicians, scientists and astronauts, athletes and artists - the constellation of talented people who glorified north Ishim area.
In the 25 years of Independence, OUSL named after S.Mukanov became the center of attraction of the intellectual forces of the local community, for outstanding achievements in professional work they received the status "Best Library of Kazakhstan of XXI century".in 2014. The library is the winner of 19 grants from various international funds, which implements 17 creative projects.
The event was attended by Tasbulatov A.B. - Deputy Chairman of the Majilis of the Parliament, Lieutenant-General, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor; Bashmakov A.A. - Head of the Department of the Assembly of Peoples of Kazakhstan Eurasian National University named after L.N. Gumilyov, academician of Kazakhstan National Academy of Natural Sciences; Musyrman Karibay Imanzhanuly- deputy of the Majilis of the Parliament VI convocation, as well as representatives of governmental and social organizations and students.
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