If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Archaeological discovery in Aktobe

Archaeological discovery in Aktobe - e-history.kz
The warriors’ remains with stand of arms of Sarmatian period were found in Aktobe Region.

‘Khalyk kazynasy’ Research Institute of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan conducts archaeological research on more than ten objects in the country, which cover various historical periods in surveying season. The following survey was conducted on the funerary — ritual complex of VI-V centuries BC ‘Tortoba’ located on the territory of Kobda District of Aktobe Region. 

 Akan Ongaruly, leader of the expedition, Candidate of Historical Sciences shared the information on the research performed on the burial complex this year: 

 -Research on the funerary-ritual complex ‘Tortoba’, built in the honor of the local Sarmatian nobility has been held since 2011. During five-year comprehensive research, 7 burial grounds and 2 objects intended for ceremonial rituals dated to the different historical periods were discovered around the monument. Intact graves of two warriors were found this year during the excavations to determine the period of the major architectural monument-burial ground construction representing the earthen embankment od diameter 50 m and height 4.7 m. 


 ‘Tortoba’ funerary-ritual complex. The research process

 These graves were built after a few hundreds of the main monument construction. Both warriors were buried in full armor, bows and quivers full of arrows (only bow traces were preserved), piercing weapons — spears with iron tips, cutting weapons — swords and daggers were found near them. The quiver with 184 bronze arrowheads was found in the third tomb of a warrior discovered on the edge of main burial pit in the center of the mound. 


The burial place of the warrior with a dagger at the waist with a bow


 A quiver with a silver loop and arrows with bronze tips 


Horse’s ribs were found on a wooden platter on the left side of the warrior 

On the main photo: the burial place of the warrior lying on a felt bedding with food, utensils and weapon
