If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The Secretary of RK reviewed the work of the National museum

The Secretary of RK reviewed the work of the National museum - e-history.kz
On 30th October 2015, Secretary of State Gulshara Abdikalykova got acquainted with the work of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan

The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan is the youngest and the largest museum in Central Asia. The Museum was created in the framework of the State Program «Cultural heritage» on behalf of the President of the Republic of Kazakhstan N.A.Nazarbayev. 2 July 2013 was issued the Decree of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan №675 on the establishment of Republican state institution «National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan» of Ministry of Culture of the Republic of Kazakhstan. 

Gulshara Abdikalykova will listen to the report on performed work by the museum and will review its future plans. Also Secretary of State will be provided the latest information about the artifacts found in the burial mounds of Taldy-2 and Berel, will visit a joint exhibition of Otrar State Archaeological Museum-Reserve «Azret Sultan» «Historical memory» devoted to the 550th anniversary of Kazakh Khanate organized in the framework of the project «Kazakhstan through the history of centuries», an exhibition of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan «National still-life» organized to the 20th anniversary of the Assembly of people of Kazakhstan and get acquainted with the triptych «Mangilik el». 

The National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan was opened on 2 July 2014 with the participation of the Head of the State Nursultan Nazarbayev. The National Museum enters 10 largest museum of the world, today the museum has about 200 thousand exhibits, 12 840 of which are in the museum collection. 

The museum is famous for its scientific reconstruction of «Altyn Adam» and gold jewelry made in the Scythian-Siberian animal style. The main distinguishing feature of the National Museum is the appliance of the modern innovative technologies. Among them are a unique curved screen, dynamic layout of the central part of modern Astana, numerous media screens, holograms, LED-technology, touch-sensitive stalls and multimedia guide. 

Many of the values found in the framework of the state program «Cultural heritage» form the invaluable fund of the National Museum of the Republic of Kazakhstan. A museum building attracts attention with unusual external form. The area of the largest unique museum complex is 70 000 sq.m. and consists of seven blocks with a variable number of floors up to the ninth floor. 

The museum has expositions on the history of Kazakhstan, archaeological gold, ethnography, modern art, history of Astana. Based on information of 1 October, 379 533 people visited the national Museum (in July —December −124 618, from January to October 2015 — 254 915 people). During the action «Night at the museum» held on 18 May, on International Museum Day, about twenty-three thousand people visited the Museum.
