If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

The portal is located at «e-history.kz».

The portal is located at «e-history.kz». - e-history.kz
According to D.Sugralinova the purpose of structure of portal is to create a public, single form for the collection and storage of information.


"The appointment of the portal - the formation of view of Kazakhstan and the world’s community on the issue of national history, by providing online information in electronic form.A distinctive feature of the portal is the fact that a lot of  information placed in  it, has not been never  published in electronic  form, "- said  the portal developer Daniar Sugralinov in his speech .

According to D.Sugralinova the purpose of structure of portal is to create a public, single form for the collection and storage of information.

It is also published on the portal unique articles and materials about the national history from ancient times till the present day by historians,  access to learning materials research articles and publications of the history of Kazakhstan, schoolchildren, students and teaching staff. The target audience of the website - are pupils, students, teachers, graduate students, researchers, and all those who are not indifferent to the history of our country "- said D.Sugralinov.
