If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly


A great contribution to the culture of Kazakhstan was made by the Baikadamovs. This is what our special correspondent A. Amirkhamzin tells us

Japanese scientist Tomohiko Uyama wrote that at the beginning of the last century the Kazakh steppe gave many intellectuals, he noted the trend that the first three lines were occupied by representatives of Kostanai, Bukey Horde and Turgay:

- Qostanai 118,000 (3 % of the whole Kazakh population in Russia);

- Bokei Orda 207,200 (5.3 %);

- Torghai 86,200 (2.2 %).

If we are talking about the intellectuals of the Turgay region, we usually remember Akhmet Baitursynov and Mirzhakyp Dulatov, this is certainly correct, but today I want to tell about the Baikadamovs who presented such outstanding representatives of Kazakh culture as Bakhytzhan Baikadamov, Danabike Baikadamova, Kunimzhan Baikadamova, Aisulu Baikadamova.

The area of ​​Baikadam on the territory of the Albarbuget rural district (Zhangeldy district, Kostanai region). Photo by A. Amirkhamzin

What is noteworthy, the Baikadam locality (where their family estate is located) is located on the territory of my village Kokalat (this is the Albarbuget rural district of Zhangeldy district, Kostanai region).

The house where Baikadam Karaldin lived, city of Turgay, photo by Lazzat Khamzina

Remains of the pre-revolutionary mosque, which was built by the ancestors of the Baikadamovs, photo by Zh. Tubekbayev

Their father (the Baikadamovs) - Baikadam Karaldin was a state and public figure. He graduated from Turgay Russian-Kazakh School, later Neplyuev Cadet Corps.

In 1916, he wrote to the governor-general M. Eversman about the uprising of the Kazakhs, warned about the perniciousness of the tsarist policy towards the nomads. The Russian Empire considered him their enemy and sentenced him to death by hanging. At this time, the February Revolution began, and he actively joined the political life of the Kazakh steppe, becoming the People's Commissar of the Turgay County. Later, together with A. Baitursynov and A. Zhangeldin he went to Moscow and negotiated the fate of the future of Kazakhstan.

In the 1930s, as an enemy of the people, he was repressed. His life was tragically cut short.

Baikadam Karaldin, photo from the Internet

And the mother of the Baikadamovs - Urzipa Tulebeva graduated from the Saryturgay school and was brought up in a closed boarding house for noble maidens. They had 18 children, 6 of whom died in infancy. Each of the Baikadamovs is worthy of respect and attention, because they were pioneers in their field, despite the status of the children of the enemy of the people. They made an invaluable contribution to the development of Kazakh culture. For example, Baikadam Karaldin himself was the first organizer of irrigated agriculture in the Turgay steppe, the first organizer of the agricultural farm in Kazakhstan, the first cooperator in the KazSSR.

Danabike Baikadamova, photo from the Internet

Danabike Baikadamova - the first Kazakh stenographer, thanks to her, according to Mukhtar Auezov, a novel-epic "The Way of Abai" was recorded.

Kunimzhan Baikadamova (first right) and Aisulu Baikadamova, photo from the Internet

Kunimzhan Baikadamova - professor, philologist, honored worker of Kazakhstan culture. Aisulu Baikadamova - professional opera singer, People's Artist of the Kazakh SSR.

But, I especially want to note Bakhytzhan Baikadamov, who this year marks 100 years.

Bakhytzhan Baikadamov was born in 1917 in the city of Turgay, a Kazakh composer, Honored Artist of Kazakhstan. He graduated from the Almaty State Conservatory. Since 1941 - head of the Kazakh Radio Choir, in 1947-1949 - head, conductor of the female ensemble of song and dance. From 1969 until the last days of his life he taught at the Kazakh Women's Pedagogical Institute.

Author of the musical drama "Mayra" (1952), symphonic poems "Bright Youth" (1952), "Kolkhoz Holiday" (1953), a suite for the choir: "On high mountain pastures", "For Peace" and others; vocal compositions, major poems for the choir - "Dream of a Girl", "Aytys", "Fruit of Labor".

Bakhytzhan Baikadamov, photo from the Internet

He made a great contribution to the development of the genre of choral songs in Kazakhstan. The most significant work is "For Peace" (1953), in which original techniques of national choral polyphony were found. Baikadamov organized the variety ensemble "Aigul". Now the Kazakh Choral Capella is named after him.

The Tentek River near Baikadam, photo by A. Amirkhamzin

I think it would be correct if we celebrate the century of Bakhytzhan Baikadamov in his small homeland and I hope that the descendants of the Baikadamovs will restore their ancestral estate.

On the main photo: Bakhytzhan Baikadamov



Translated by Raushan MAKHMETZHANOVA
