If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Dwelling sites of Stone Age and Bronze Era found in Pavlodar region

Dwelling sites of Stone Age and Bronze Era found in Pavlodar region - e-history.kz
Dwelling sites dated back to the Stone Age and Bronze Era were fund in Beskaragai archeological complex, Pavlodar region.

Dwelling sites dated back to the Stone Age and Bronze Era were fund in Beskaragai archeological complex, Pavlodar region, Interfax – Kazakhstan agency cites the press service of the Pavlodar Pedagogical Institute. The sites were found within the framework of the project “Archeological heritage of Saryarka”.

“Pieces of ceramic ovenware, arrowheads, buttons, bronze axe and daggers were found at the archeological sites,” head of the expedition group from the Altai State Pedagogical Academy Sergey Sitnikov told. He was impressed by the number and diversity of archeological monuments in Pavlodar region. “Almost all epochs from the Paleolithic Age to the Middle Ages are represented there. We are very happy with our findings including bronze axe, daggers dated back to the 12th – 9th centuries B.C. Just imagine, these things are three thousand years old and ancient people used them as weapons or instruments of labor,” S.Sitnikov told.

Source: ortcom.kz

