If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly
Today in history

Catholic church in Kazakhstan

Catholic church in Kazakhstan - e-history.kz
Monks-Franciscans were the first Catholic missionaries in Kazakhstan. Further development of Catholicism in the territory of Kazakhstan was promoted by the settlement of the Polish exiled.

Monks-Franciscans were the first Catholic missionaries in Kazakhstan. Further development of Catholicism in the territory of Kazakhstan was promoted by the settlement of the Polish exiled, the military personnel and specialimmigrants in XVIII – the second half of the XIX centuries. At the end of the XIX century in Kostanay there was a Catholic temple, branch of Omsk arrival. At the beginning of the XX century akmolinsky and Semipalatinsk regions there were communities of the Polish and German Catholic immigrants. In the 1930-1950th to emergence of considerable Catholic settlements gave mass references and deportations of Germans, Poles, Lithuanians, Ukrainians. In the second half of the 50th of the XX century began illegal activity and organized secret church services the Catholic priests released from camps.

Catholics could receive official permissions for construction of temples only in the late seventies of the XX century. In 1978 in Karaganda Sacred Joseph's temple was constructed, in 1979 religious association in Tselinograd (nowadays Astana) was registered. Original revival of a Catholic community became possible only after finding of independence by Kazakhstan.

Diplomatic relations between the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Sacred Throne were established on October 17, 1992. The first Catholic higher educational institution – a theological seminary "Maria – Mater of Church" was based in 1998 in Karaganda. In 2001 Kazakhstan was visited by Pope John Pavel ІІ.

In 1991 for Catholics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan Apostolic Administratura (the episcopal chair is in Karaganda) was created. On August 6, 1999 Apostolic Administratura Kazakhstana was transformed to the Karaganda Diocese and three new Apostolic Administratura: Astanaysky, Almaty and Atyrausky. In May, 2003 the decision of Pope John Pavel the II all territory of the country was included into the Catholic metropolitanate including a very diocese (arcidiocez) with the center in Astana, two dioceses (in Almaty and Karaganda) and apostolic administry (in of Atyrau).

Priests of Catholic arrivals in Kazakhstan are generally foreign missionaries. The women's monastic organizations, such as Sisters of Poor Baby Jesus, the Sister of a sluzhitelnitsa of Jesus in an Eucharist, Blessed Virgin Mary's Sisters of a family Maria Soiskupitelnitsa, Sluzhitelnitsa of immaculate conception, etc. in the cities of Almaty, Karaganda, Balkhash work.

In Catholic churches of church service are carried out in the Russian, Ukrainian, German, English and Polish languages.

The Catholic church conducts big charity. Many arrivals will organize dining rooms for poor, shelters for old men, the homeless and children. Within the charitable Caritas project since 1994 in Almaty the charitable out-patient clinic and a dining room for the needy works. Some charitable medical institutions work. On fund of "Renovabis" and donations of believers the Kredo newspaper is issued. Much attention is paid to work with youth.

Today in Kazakhstan 79 religious associations of Catholic church work.