If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Today in history

Birthday of Seraly (Serke) Kozhamkulov — one of the founder of the professional and national theater arts

Birthday of Nigmetolla Kiikbayev - Doctor of Historical Sciences, Professor

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Adopted the first Constitution of Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic

The first Constitution of Kazakhstan was adopted in the final version by the Decree of the CEC of KazASSR on February 18, 1926 after the formation of the USSR and with regard to the RSFSR Constitution of 1925 as Kazakhstan was a part of the RSFSR. This basic law consolidated the form of government, state structure, the political regime, the structure of public authorities, executive and administrative bodies. The basic principles of active and passive suffrage and the budget law were identified. According to the Constitution, Kazakhstan is an equal republic as a part of the RSFSR. The final version of the Constitution of the Kazakh SSR was supposed to be approved by the All-Russian Central Executive Committee of RSFSR, but they did not considered it. Nevertheless, it was used as a main law by all national and local authorities, it affected the behavior of citizens, and it was the basis of the established order in the Republic. Source: website of the newspaper "Industrial Karaganda"