If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly
Today in history

Today in history

Abishev Zhantore Nurlanovich was born

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The first Kazakh Drama Theater was established

The first Kazakh Drama Theater was established - e-history.kz
It was organized in the late 1925 in the city of Kyzyl-Orda, the capital of the Kazakh Soviet Socialist Republic. The theater was opened on January 13, 1926 with a play "Altyn saka" ("Golden cue") by the Koshke Kemengerov. In 1928 the theater was moved to Almaty due to the transfer of the capital. Since 1937, the theater was awarded the Academic title and since 1961 it was named after Mukhtar Auezov. The founders of the theater were the masters of folk art and amateur performances: A. Kashaubaev, K. Dzhandarbekov, K. Kuanyshpaev, S. Kozhamkulov, E. Umurzakov, I. Baizakov, K. Badyrov, K. Munaitpasov, J. Shanin, F. Ashkeeva, Z. Atabaeva, Sh Baizakova, M. Shamova etc. The monument of Mukhtar Auezov in front of the Kazakh Drama Theater named after M. Auezov in Alma-Ata, 1980. In the early years of theater, the directors were nominated from the actor sphere: Shanin, Kozhamkulov, Dzhandarbekov. The following writers worked on the creation of the first repertoire: Auezov, Seyfullin, Maylin. There were a lot of performances in the early period, which reflected the establishment of Soviet power: " Red Falcons" by Seifullin, "Zarlyk" by Uspanov and Uteulin; as well as the performances about the life of the old village, and the pre-revolutionary life of the Kazakh people: "Karakoz", "Baybishe — Tokai" by Auezov, " Marriage" and "Tricky Mullah " by Mailin, "Malkambay" by Erdanaev, "Torsykbay", "Aidarbek", "Arkalyk — batyr" by Shanin . In the 30-ies there was a lot of the professional Russian filmmakers in the theater (M. G Nasonov, I. B Borov, M. A Sokolovsky), the artists (K. Khodzhikov) proceeds to the formulation of the complex dramatic works: "Night rumblings" by Auezov "Amangeldy" by Maylin and Musrepov. In 1941 and 1945 there were some performances in the repertoire which were devoted to the heroic struggle of the Soviet people: "In the hour of trial" by Auezov, "Guard of Honor" by Auezov and Abishev, and "Ahan-Sir — Ak Tokta" by Musrepov, and "The Taming of the Shrew" by Shakespeare. The most significant performances of the 40-80s. was the"Friendship and Love", "Career and conscience" by Abishev, "Millionaire" by Mustafin, "Yesterday and Today", "Hard Fate" by Khusainov, "One tree is not a wood" by Tazhibayev, "Pub under the headline," "Matchmaker came" "In a foreign country" by Muhamedzhanov, "Saule", "Buran" by Ahtanov, "Poet’s Heart" by Shashkin, "An unquenchable fire" by Kabdolov, "Ascent of Mount Fuji" by Aitmatov, Mukhamedzhanov and many others. Performances are being held at the Kazakh language with the simultaneous translation.