If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Galiyev Vil Zaynullovich

Galiyev Vil Zaynullovich - e-history.kz

GALIYEV Vil Zaynullovich – Specialist in Kazakh-Russian relations, cultural contacts, colonial policy, the national liberation struggleof XVII-XIX centuries, on librarianship  and bibliographication of literature on the pre-revolutionary period, Doctor of Historical Sciences(1983), Professor (1986).

He graduated from theHistory Departmentof the KazakhState University.SMKirov(1960);

He graduated from the History Department of the Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (1960);

participated in Mangyshlak (1957) and the Kzyl-Orda (1958 ) ethnographic expeditions led by V.V. Vostrov;

After graduation he worked in the Turkestan Teachers College (1960-1961);

Post-graduate student at the chair of Kazakhstan History, Kazakh State University named after S.M. Kirov (1961-1964);

Associate Professor, Professor, Head of Department of History of the USSR in Kazakh State Women's Pedagogical Institute (1968-1990);

Head of  Department of Modern History of the Institute of History and Ethnology named after  Ch.Ch. Valikhanov (1990-1995);

Chief Research Fellow at the Institute (since 1995).

Participant of various all-Union and international conferences on the history of modern period.

Served in the advisory council for Historical Sciences in the Higher Attestation Committee of the MES. Led the scientific work of the staff of the National Library and the Central Scientific Library for library science and bibliography. V.Z. Galiyev was engaged in the identification of rare books and prints of works devoted to Kazakhstan in the archives and libraries of Moscow and St. Petersburg.Prepared two candidates of historical sciences.

Main Studies:

Vlijanie osvoboditel'nogo dvizhenija v Rossii na obshhestvenno-politicheskuju zhizn' Kazahstana v pervoj polovine H1H veka. Annotirovannyj ukazatel' literatury. Alma-Ata, 1970.

Ssyl'nye revoljucionery v Kazahstane. Alma-Ata, 1978.

Medicinskaja dejatel'nost' ssyl'nyh revoljucionerov v Kazahstane (vtoraja polovina H1H v.). Alma-Ata, 1982.

Dekabristy i Kazahstan. Alma-Ata, 1990.

Narodno-osvoboditel'noe dvizhenie kazahov v 1936-1938 godah. Dokumenty i materialy. Alma-Ata, 1996.

Han Dzhangir i Orbulakskaja bitva. Almaty, 1998.

Tjurkskaja biblioteka v Vernom. Almaty, 2001.

Zoloto bez primesej ne byvaet ili tragedija Kenesary Kasymova. Materialy kruglogo stola // Kenesary Kasymuly. Tuѓanyna 200 zhyl toluyna arnalѓan halyќaralyќѓylymi-teorijalyќ konferencija materialdary. Almaty, Komp'juterno-izdatel'skij centr IIJe. 2003. (v soavtorstve)

Biblioteki dorevoljucionnogo Semirech'ja. Almaty, CNB RK, 2003.

Nelegal'naja literatura v gorode Vernom // Bibliotekovedenie, bibliografija. Vyp.VІІ. Almaty, 2003.

Nachalo Otechestvennoj vojny kazahskogo naroda protiv dzhungarskoj agressii. Almaty, 2013.

Bor'ba kazahskogo naroda protiv dzhungarskoj agressii 1735-1758 gg.. Almaty, 2013.