If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan in terms of the program "Madeni Mura"

Historical and cultural monuments of Kazakhstan in terms of the program "Madeni Mura" - e-history.kz

The territory of modern Kazakhstan is at the junction of two ancient cultures, nomadic and settled, that co-existed many centuries exchanging the best material and spiritual achievements. Many monuments of culture of different nationalities, ancient civilizations were formed at this land.

Developed civilization in the territory of Kazakhstan always existed: among 25 thousand of registered monuments of Kazakhstan are sites of primitives, cities with millenary history. Among these archeological evidences there are real gems of ancient, medieval and oriental architectural art. Balandy II Mausoleum, IV-II BC, which is situated in the territory of Kyzylorda oblast, is one of the first brick cupolas in the world. Mangystau monuments are an islet of independent, autonomous development of architecture style with no analogues in the world. Aisha Bibi Mausoleum in Zhambyl oblast is another unique work of architecture that shows the high level of development of construction technology I the territory of Kazakhstan in VII-VIII centuries. Khodzha Akhmet Yassaui Mausoleum, acknowledged by UNESCO as the monument of universal importance, is an encyclopedia of architectural decisions of the East.

In 2004 under the initiative of the President of Kazakhstan  Nursultan Abishevich Nazarbaev there was elaborated and adopted the State program “Cultural heritage”. One of the priorities of the program is restoration, conservation and museumification of monuments of history and culture.

Form the moment of adoption of the state program “Cultural heritage” till the present time there were completed restoration works at 51 monuments of history and culture such as: mausoleums of Aisha Bibi, Arystan Baba, Abat Baitak, Esimkhan, Kara Sopy, Makul Tam, Iskak Ata, Dzhabrail Ata, necropolis Karaman Ata, complex “Abylai khan Residence” in Petropalovsk, 39 ancient settlements and barrows were archeologically examined. The National list of monuments of history and culture with 218 objects was prepared. 30 applied research of architectural and archeological monuments that are of special significance for the national culture were made.

In terms of the program “Cultural heritage” the state works on restoration of monuments abroad. In Damask (Syria) in 2007 they started construction of mausoleum and historical and cultural center of Al-Farabi, in Cairo (Egypt) they are restoring the mosque of Sultan Az-Zakhir Beibars.