If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

"Problems and prospects of post-crisis development of economy of Kazakhstan"

"Problems and prospects of post-crisis development of economy of Kazakhstan" - e-history.kz

The international scientific and practical conference held in Kazakhstan on problems and prospects pos-of tkrizisny development of economy of Kazakhstan, is organized by Institute of economy of Committee of science of the Ministry obra-a zovaniye and sciences of the Republic of Kazakhstan. Conference posvya-щена to the 20 anniversary of independence of the Republic of Kazakhstan and rea-lization of ideas of the President of RK of the Nazarbayev stated in his Message to the people of Kazakhstan "Let's construct the future together". Participants of conference among whom known scientists-economists and experts, high school workers, representatives of public authorities, business are presented, non-governmental and international organiza-tion, the public of Kazakhstan, Russia, the states Cent - ralny Asia, Turkey, Mongolia, on the basis of the carried-out analysis of a situation in Kazakhstan in comparison to other states of the world defined the positions in teoretiches-ky and methodical aspects of an assessment national without - pasnost, noted available achievements in area in-dustoialno-innovative and social and economic development of Kazakhstan, and also revealed the main problems, factors and mechanisms of providing steady and sbalansi-rovanny development of national economies in conditions glo-ball calls during the post-crisis period. Having discussed reports and having exchanged opinions, uchast-nicknames of conference note: 1) For years of independence Kazakhstan passed a difficult way of transition from command to the market economy focused on industrialno-innovatsi-this development, from deep economic recession to the what nomic growth and social stability of society. In 20 years Kazakhstan took place as the independent state with the steady economy which is integrating into world ho-zyaystvenny system. On production of gross domestic product on soul nasele-the niya Kazakhstan is included in recent years into group I develop - щихся the countries with the average level of the income, taking approximately identical positions with such countries as China and Egypt. Among CIS countries on this indicator the republic zani-washes the second place after Russia, and in the region of Central Asia is in the lead with considerable advantage. Estimating as a whole state of the economy for years of independence, it is possible to tell that indicators of development of economy of Kazakhstan remain leading in the territory of the CIS. 2) Today there came new time, in conditions Globa - lization the whole world looks for new ways of post-crisis development in 21 centuries. The developed countries send the efforts on for-a mirovaniye of innovative economy, transition to new 6 - му to technological way. In economy of Kazakhstan the share of the V technological way – makes less than 1%, the IV TU - about 35%, the III TU – about 65%. Kazakhstan more, than on one technological way lags behind from world ekonomi-ки. Lag from our partners in the CIS is great also. So, in Russia the third way occupies 55%, the fourth way doesn't exceed 30%, and the fifth way - 5%. Ekonomiches-a cue crisis made the impact on acceleration of the accepted strategy of national idea of further development of Kazakhstan. It is provided in the developed Program of the forced innovative and industrial development of the country for 2010-2014. The main directions realiza-tion of the Program and the Strategic plan till 2020 not - are indifferently aimed at modernization of economy and on its basis the solution of priority problems of new social policy of the republic. 3) In the conditions of post-crisis development of economy, instability of a world situation special relevance is gained by a problem of providing national without - state pasnost. By expert estimates, a placenta - the yushchy 10 anniversary will be difficult for the world community. "Realizing the available potential of the crisis phenomena, from - vleky of them lessons, we should start to rassmotre-a niya of calls and perspective problems of world economy in the second decade of the XXI century. Today the world economy is faced by global challenges in its three main sectors: the financial; industrial and innovative and resource and food", the President of RK N. Nazarbayev emphasized, speaking at the IV-th Astana economic forum. 4) The solution of tasks on recovery of national economies and stable post-crisis development neraz-ryvno is connected with their modification on the basis of the latest innovative technologies. It demands in development of the general stvenny sciences of the new views, new approaches, I consider - shchy new world tendencies. Society expectations from with - tsialny and the humanities are in this plane. Therefore it is necessary for scientists-social scientists new myshle-for the scientific research institute, the new knowledge, a new paradigm of development obshchestven-ny and the humanities in Kazakhstan the new economic paradigm representing scientific base for the decision a level - gichesky tasks on forced industrialno-innova-to tsionny development of the republic during the post-crisis period and to growth of competitiveness of its economy has to become which component. 5) According to solutions of Meeting in Admi-to a nistration of the President of RK to scientific social scientists follows along with performance fundamental scientific issledo-vaniye to strengthen the ideological work directed on strengthening of statehood, national bezopas-to Nosta and independence of the country, formation pravil-ache systems moral and democratic tsennos-ty in society. 6) Kazakhstan has favorable preconditions for innovative development of its economy and ensuring scientific and technological safety. First of all, this development of science. Strengthening of a contribution of science in innovative development demands increase of its status in society. Special attention questions of formation of new ideology and favorable conditions for attraction small demand dy shots in science and developments of their creative potential. Opportunities for strengthening technological bezopasnos-ти are opened by implementation of the FIIR RK Program till 2014. and course continuation on industrial modernization further till 2020. The new Law RK "About Science" which realization will give is adopted are new й an impulse to science development in Kazakhstan. 7) Long-term strategy of social and economic development of Kazakhstan provides construction sotsial-but the focused economy, formation effektiv-ache models of human development and dostizhe-scientific research institute of the Kazakhstan national quality of life. Stra-the tegiya is aimed at the solution of problems on creation of conditions for healthy and productive human life, increase in availability of education and increase social zashchi-shchennost according to the international standards. This purpose is reflected in all long-term concepts and program projects of Kazakhstan about concrete - ny parameters in each stage of their realization. Insti-tuty economy of KN of MOH PK in interests of implementation of these documents the scientific report "Increase the horse tram - rentosposobnost of the human capital in the Republic of Kazakhstan" is prepared and transferred to the President of the country, to Administration of the President of PK and MOH RK for praktiches-whom use. 8) For years of market reforms in Kazakhstan were to - стигнуты essential positive shifts in social development: considerably the number of the poor population decreased and its parameters changed. According to RK Agency statistically, the population, having the income below a living wage in 2010 made 6,5% about - тив 39% in the years of reforms. However, as the President of RK N. Nazarbayev in the performance on Petersburg ekono-a michesky forum noted, globalization aggravates the economic competition and a social inequality. By estimates neko-tory experts, a half of wealth of the whole world sosredoto-чена in hands of only 2 percent of the population of Earth. 9) In Kazakhstan, despite growth of level of the income nase-the line, essential decrease in unemployment for the account preven-tivno taken measures RK Government, are observed negative social and economic processes: keeps - ся society differentiation according to the income, consumption of material benefits and social services; labor to - courses are poorly coordinated to qualification level ra-botnik, to quality of their labor and intellectual potentials. 10) By estimates of the international experts heads - ache also a complex problem of social policy, especially in the conditions of economic recovery population employment is. Rather stable situation with employment characterizes the post-crisis period of development of the Republic of Kazakhstan when there was a decrease in unemployment rate from 7,3% in 2007 to 5,5% in 2010 11) the Most important factors of employment of the population were: - anti-recessionary policy of the Government of the Republic of Kazakhstan; - urgently taken measures for implementation of bilateral contracts and labor agreements memorandums from grain - neyshy corporations about control of released workers, retraining and employment on others ra-bots; - in due time accepted and realized "Road map" with granting workplaces, distribution of public works, services in social infrastructure. Despite stable situation on the Kazakhstan labor market, emergency urgent measures on population employment as main problem of social policy of the country are provided. 12) The most important aspect of stability of national economy during the post-crisis period is financial balance and safety. In Kazakhstan valo-howl the external debt exceeded threshold value in 80% of gross domestic product and made more than 119 billion dollars.

Taking into account a raw orientation of our economy, its dependence from out of - shny factors, and also low-density of population such threshold value is rather dangerous, and we should adhere to an indicator no more than 50% of gross domestic product. From the point of view of financial safety important value plays existence Nazi - anal fund level of accumulation in which has to with - ставлять, at least 30-50% from VVD sum. 13) Now inflow of direct investments zna-chitelno was reduced in comparison with growth of portfolio investment that confirms leaving of money from natsio-nalny economy where they could be also dostatoch-but are effectively applied according to requirements of economy. 14) One of the major problems at the present stage of development of Kazakhstan is providing power - ecological safety and balance between main units of industries: export raw and processing, focused on udov-a letvoreniye both internal, and external requirements. 15) The present stage of development of the international what nomic relations is characterized by competition strengthening on a global scale, including between are traditional - ми the centers of the world economy. On this background nablyuda-ется strengthening of processes of regional integration interaction. Each country separately isn't capable to overcome global challenges and to guarantee further development without new economic shocks. Therefore the KA - захстан always was the supporter of integration processes in formats of the CIS, EurAsEC, SCO and other associations. 16) Creation of the Customs Union (CU) of the Euroasian Economic Community (EurAsEC) into which entered Republic of Belarus, the Republic of Kazakhstan and the Russian Federation is the timely answer on I strengthen - щиеся processes of globalization and calls of world economy as a whole and international trade in particular. In the same vre-мя in Belarus, Kazakhstan and Russia (as well as in all CIS countries) now there is no adequate trade policy which was directed on increase of a standard of living nase-the country line. Besides our countries differ on urov-with a nu of economic development, have unequal level of competitiveness of an export potential. All this causes relevance and need of development for Kazakhstan modern trade policy. 17) Timely and necessary time - a rabotka creative staff of Institute of economy of KN of MOH PK (Almaty, 2011) the scientific report "Ensuring national security in the Republic of Kazakhstan" for the President of RK, Administration of RK, the Ministry about - a razovaniye and sciences of RK, other ministries and departments res-publics is represented. 18) Participants of conference confirmed that full and effective realization declared in Kazakhsta-not measures for effective post-crisis development and obes-to baking of national security demands further deepening, and also expansion international with - trudnichestvo in this sphere.

Having generalized reports and performances, participants of boundaries - to dunarodny scientific and practical conference poschi-a waist necessary to consider the above, to accept and present to government bodies of the power I follow - shchy recommendations: 1) In modern conditions it is expedient to strengthen research of the theory of post-crisis development of national economy, in particular, profound development about - bly uses of factors forced industri-alno-innovative development, formation intellek-the tualny potential and increase of competitiveness of the human capital, justification of a technique and indikato-a ditch of an assessment of national security is required. 2) Formation and development intellectual on - тенциала in the republic at this stage are aimed on reali-a zation of the Program forced industrialno-inno-vatsionny development of Kazakhstan for 2010-2014. In this regard it is necessary effectively and to use rationally the saved-up factors of economic growth, 3) in the conditions of strengthening of global challenges of the world economy which has caused new tendencies in obostre-by scientific research institute of threats to national interests, it is necessary razrabot-Strategy of national security of RK, containing - Russian cabbage soup assessment of the situation as a whole, the formulation of the general tasks, programs, measures and realization mechanisms, possible a-ism - a neniye in structure of the bodies which are responsible for their performance. In Strategy quantitative parameters of threshold values national bezopas-to Nosta, showing critical "painful points" have to be defined, the exit for which demands special attention state a shouting - rutting. Development of this Strategy causes sharp neobkho-a dimost of carrying out interdisciplinary research on problems of ensuring national security on the basis of integration of scientific knowledge of economists, poly-тологов, sociologists, representatives of military science, filoso-фов, historians, psychologists, demographers, ecologists, lawyers, etc. Implementation of this project is expedient on the basis of the state order within activity of Mezhdistsip-of linarny council public and the humanities of KN of MAUN of RK.

In the field of scientific and technological and innovatsion-development foot: 1) For Kazakhstan encouragement of development of science in public sector and sector of the highest obrazo-a vaniye is characteristic, industrial researches and development while wasps - are thawed on the second plan. It is necessary to strengthen attention to industrial innovations, researches and razrabot-кам directly at the enterprises. 2) According to the Intersectoral plan nauchno-tekhnologiches-whom developments till 2020 are referred to the key three branches: 1 - oil and gas, 2 - mining and metallurgical and 3 – agrarian. These branches treat 3-4 ways and priority development only these three branches won't give significant improvement of positions of Kazakhstan in world economy. On - it the list of priorities needs to expand with uche-volume of world tendencies of scientific and technological development and need of formation of the 6th technological way, having included, in particular, in it health care and ecology. 3) Important aspect of strengthening innovative oriyen-tation of science is expansion of its financing. Without strengthening of a contribution of private business, only forces gosudars-тва not to solve a problem of financial security of science. Experience of the developed countries shows that for this purpose it is necessary that - direct financial support of the state would be supplemented with strong tax incentives and privileges for investi-tion of private business to this sphere. Therefore are required on - logovy privileges for carrying out scientific researches, developmental works, introduction otechestven-ny technologies. 4) The great value has stimulation of demand for scientific production. The impulse to expansion nauch-ny researches has to proceed from large natsional-the ny companies, foreign investors whom in turn, to it the state has to induce, using indirect levers of economic regulation (taxes, preferences, soft loans). 5) It is necessary to raise a role of foreign investors in development of science of Kazakhstan. Abroad to the share inost-ranny sources falls to 20% of the general expenses for science. In Kazakhstan a share of foreign investors structure - ляет about 1%. It thus that foreign investments occupy rather high specific weight in the general inves-tition in fixed capital: from 20 to 30% in recent years. Therefore in contracts signed with foreign investors it is necessary to provide their obligations on acquisition of scientific services at national scientific research institutes. 6) For innovative policy in the country much attention needs to be paid to a solution pre-emstvennost of scientific knowledge, their transfers from the senior to younger generation. Thus it is necessary to take measures, as on stimulation of inflow of youth, and creation nadle-zhashchy conditions for extension of creative life of scientists, in-zhener and highly skilled workers. Increase of prestige and appeal of scientific activity has to be connected with change of system of compensation in science, increase in the amount of surcharges for a scientific degree, revision of system of the state awarding, with - the building of conditions for youth fixing in the science sphere, provision of housing for young scientists. 7) In Kazakhstan while this activity of small business in general, not to mention that number of the small innovative enterprises structure - ляет only some tens is very insignificant innovatsi-. Small business has to have the corresponding support. Are now allocated for sub-ектов small and average business znachitel-ny financial resources. Others are necessary also, stimu-liruyushchy measures, for example, tax vacation at least for those small enterprises which are occupied with production of concrete production, for example, in overworking from - раслях. It is necessary to develop and adopt the Law RK "About the Small Innovative Enterprises". 8) Measures for development mekhaniz-ма a transfer of technologies have importance. In particular, formation of institute of the technological brokers (intermediaries) who are engaged in advance of development on the market demands attention. These are the structures which are engaged in patenting and licensing, consulting, marketing of innovations. In Kazakhstan the institute of mediation is still a little developed. 9) One of the main priorities has to be steam - a state tnerstvo with the private capital. Tselesoobraz-ны the following main directions of formation of state-private partnership in the innovative sphere: complementary participation of the state and the market in innovative processes; division of innovative risks between the state and business; de's use - the centralized channels of the state support in-innovative activity; naturalization of the state support of innovative activity; support of networks of the enterprises. 10) The correct strategy of attraction of foreign technologies has great value. At a transfer of technologies it is desirable to seek for shift of emphases on the technologies being at early stages of life cycle that will allow to connect own scientific and technical resources to transfer process more actively. Vmes-those from subjects acquisition of the technologies embodying the third technological way, it is necessary to limit as they bear increase in a technological gap with the developed countries. 11) Extremely important value for postkrizis-the foot of industrial and innovative development of economy of Kazakhstan has spatial aspect. For obes-baking of economic interests of territories in this regard adjustment of communications between the state represented by local authorities, scientists and enterprise - ми structures for an exchange of knowledge, a choice of the correct direction of innovative researches taking into account Intel - lektualny features of regions is necessary. Such interaction will allow to create new technologies and to develop science in those directions which integrate economic in-тересы regions and the country as a whole that, finally, will provide economic growth. In the sphere of increase of financial stability and safety of Kazakhstan during the post-crisis period reko-мендуется: - to develop a technique of an assessment financial bezopas-to Nosta and to carry out continuous monitoring of system of criteria and indicators in comparison with their threshold zna-cheniye; - to develop the effective monitoring system privleche-a niya and uses of means of foreign loans; - to set branch restrictions, whether i.e. restriction or prohibition of access of foreign investments in otras-, recognized especially important for economic and with - tsio-cultural development of the state; - to continue realization state politi-ки on development of non-oil production and attraction of internal resources for economy development. In the field of social policy: 1) Growth of the income of the population has to be provided at the expense of increase in a basic type of income - wage pla-you. The most important instrument of providing worthy for - a work payment is establishment proved time - a minimum wage measure according to the international standards in the range from 40 to 60% of a national average salary of workers. In the republic for all years of economic reforms it sootno-the sheniye didn't exceed 27%. Approach to the international criteria needs to be carried out step by step. Establishment of the reasonable size of minimum wage the niya will allow to expand base nalogooblozhe-and to bring part of the income out of a shadow turn of the private sector. 

For justification of objective size minimal-a foot of the size of a salary as an initial basis it is necessary to use a living wage, races - read out on the able-bodied worker taking into account trudo-howl loading and coefficient of dependant loading. 2) In the conditions of industrial and innovative razvi-an economy tiya in social policy it is necessary ispol-зовать new standards and the standards corresponding to the international criteria. It is necessary to refuse from at - a meneniye of a monthly settlement indicator as pokazate-ля, not having economic and standard obos-novaniye and world analogs. For approach to standards of the developed countries not - обходимо to use size living mini-мума, calculated on more progressive structure of a consumer basket (where the share of a food doesn't exceed 45% of a consumer basket, in the republic it makes 60%), for determination of the sizes state sotsi-alny grants and payments. 3) It is necessary to provide reduction differentsi-to an ation of a salary for the account of a soizmereniye various vi-дов works taking into account their volume, complexity and professional-ache qualifications of the worker and creation of equal conditions for labor reproduction at intersectoral and intra-branch levels, between state and private the sectors, separate branches, and also in the enterprises. Cardinal increase of compensation nizkooplachi-vayemy categories of workers of the budgetary sphere, and also taken in agriculture, in food and easy promysh-laziness, mechanical engineering, the chemical industry has to become the most important direction of decrease sotsial-but - an economic inequality. It will allow the state to cut down significantly expenses on inefficient the address - the ny help to families of these categories of workers. 4) Ensuring balance of interests ra-botnik and employers and mechanisms of regulation of the labor and enterprise income by sotsial-a partnership foot on the basis of the interconnected general, industry and collective agreements. The most important role in the model which was formed in the republic of social partnership belongs to the representative of collective of works - the nicknames, capable to defend the economic and social rights in the compensation sphere at negotiations with rabotodate-Lem.

In the field of employment policy: 1) The main priorities of national policy of employment of the population of Kazakhstan are connected with transition stra-ны to innovative type of economic growth. It, pre-жде in total - creation of constant new workplaces on indust-real objects; - preparation for them qualified tekhniches-ky shots and effective workplaces with the corresponding salary. Thus increase of labor motivation of people is necessary, for a civil liability, overcoming izhdi-venchestvo that has to correspond to the Concept the SPENDTHRIFT "About worthy work with a worthy salary". 2) Continuous monitoring of structural unemployment, imbalance of supply and demand of labor on quality, the forecast professionalno-kvalifikatsi-this structure, human resources, preparation kad-a ditch and education system reforming is necessary. 3) In post-crisis conditions importance priob-ретает employment of a huge personnel reserve of economy more than 2,6 million people, the self-busy population or 32% of economically active population, from it 71% live in rural areas. Self-occupied predstavlya-ют a real reserve of potential unemployment therefore this category of economically active population needs employment taking into account features demogra-fichesky structure, areas of residence, former labor activity, education, vocational training. Vocational training, creation of small business in agrarian sector, encouragement a mudflow - sky business on production of the products, not connected with trade and intermediary activity, predo-a stavleniye of the microcredits is necessary for creation of own business. In the field of demographic and migratory poly-tics: 1) On the basis of comprehensive and complex anali-for developments of a demographic and migratory situation in the country it is recommended: - taking into account growing importance of the decision demografiches-ky and migratory problems for providing natsional-ache safety of the Republic of Kazakhstan needs - to pour Wuhsi state regulation of these processes; - in connection with the end of action "Branch about - grams of migratory policy of the Republic of Kazakhstan for 2001-2010" it is necessary to accept the new Program migra-tsionny policy of RK till 2020. In the new program of migratory policy it is necessary to provide elimination of distortions in the conditions of attraction and compensation otechest-wine and foreign workers, having given a priority grazh-данам Kazakhstan; - to stir up activities for a reconstruction in half of number the volume of infrastructure of preschool education. At - to attract for these purposes of possibility of institute chastno-gosu-donative partnership; -  to provide information support meropriya-to the tiya directed on promotion of increase detorozh-to a dayemost and family values, protection of health nase-the line and maintaining a healthy lifestyle. 

2) For reduction of illegal migration not - обходимо to regulate inflow to the country labor an instant - welts of a working profile: - to develop administrative measures for rigid suppression of illegal labor migration, on purpose for - a deystvovaniye of internal migrants, creations vozmozhnos-ty for economic self-realization internal migran-тов; - in the conditions of industrial and innovative development it is necessary to develop the mechanism holding a manpower in regions of the country, as bases of their development ekonomi-chesky potential.

In the field of the external economic policy:

 1) For Kazakhstan favourably and strategically important accession to WTO, despite creation Customs with - юза. Considering a modern situation in global ekono-мике, it is necessary for the countries of the Customs union hold - ваться conditions of only basic agreements of the WTO, excepting the so-called WTO-plus which leave for their framework. It is important to keep the state support selskokho-zyaystvenny sector. Also it is the extremely important that the countries of the Customs union developed the principles of the uniform (coordinated) foreign trade policy, both in the general tamo-the wife of the territory, and beyond its limits.

 2)  It is offered to develop: 

a) national expor-tny program of the republic

 b) national program of import policy. Now these programs in Kazakhstan are absent, numerous attempts of development of the export program weren't brought to logical end. Their development and the subsequent realization will promote building of an export potential and protection of national interests of the country, reduction of unreasonable import dependence. When developing the program especially it is necessary to pay attention of an innovative component of an export potential of Kazakhstan.

In the field of ensuring power ecological safety: 

1)  In modern conditions of strengthening of environmental and climatic risks power-ecological safety of development has to be ensured by support of four priority directions of transition to low-carbon му to development: 

-  energy efficiency increases in all sectors of economy for decrease in expected level of power consumption; 

-  speeding up of development renewed energeti-ки on the basis of use of hydraulic power, wind power, a biomass, biologically decomposed and combustible waste, solar and geothermal for the purpose of replacement of used high-issue technologies and a growing demand covering; 

- regulations of national emissions of greenhouse gases (GHG) by means of the organization and functioning of the national market of quotas of PG emissions;

 -  informings of the population on methods of mitigation of anthropogenous impact on climate change. 

2)  Development and implementation of the programs providing has to become the main directions of increase of power ecological safety and competitiveness of an oil gas complex of Kazakhstan: 

- modernization of capacities on wasps - нове the general increase of investment appeal of a complex;

 - introduction of new technological processes on oil and gas fields; \

   -  toughening of requirements to energy saving; 

-  stimulation of diversification commodity struktu-ры export, increase of volume of export of production with higher share of a value added. 

3)  For decrease in threats of energy security, decrease in risks of import of inflation and mitigation of the consequences of new global economic shocks for national economy it is necessary to reduce purposefully (to 20%) high level of an importozavisimost of the republic from separate types of the energy carriers, in particular separate types of motor fuel. 

4)  High degree of wear of the main proizvodstven-ny funds in power industry demands development and vned-rhenium of innovative instruments of mobilization inves-titsionny resources on modernization of capacities of the branch, new construction and development chis-ty coal technologies. 

5) One of key instruments of ensuring ecological safety is improvement of the ecological taxation and rational a feather - distribution of collectable ecological taxes between levels of the state budgets obespe-чить their target use on places.

 6) For ensuring ecological safety and the international competitiveness of the country creation of systems of ecological management on before - priyatiya and the organizations in all sectors of economy, vklyu-tea tourist business, and their certification according to requirements of the international standard is necessary. In Kazakhstan in short-term prospect vy and institutional availability of services in primary ecological certification of all users of nature and their timely confirmation has to be provided valuable. In the field of development of the public humanities:

1) For implementation of national strategy in time - the vitiya of humanitarian and social sciences needs creation of "The concept of development of humanitarian and social sciences".

 2) In the conditions of formation of a new information and innovative paradigm formation of constantly operating forum on the public humanities, serving as scientific "platform" for approbation of new views, ideas and new approaches is necessary.

In the field of spiritual and moral development: 

1)    The further humanization of society, cultural development and arts, course continuation on formation of the ideology based on patriotism, obshcheche-lovechesky and family values, cultural and moral education of people in the spirit of respect and tolerance to boundaries - to national and interfaith distinctions, corruption rejections is necessary.    On this basis growth of economic and civil activity of the population and consolidation of the Kazakhstan society is possible.  

2) Formation of innovative economy during the post-crisis period demands creation of the intellectual nation, system ensuring spiritual and moral safety through quality education, education and strengthening of a position of science in the country. The problem spiritual moral development of society as bases of national security is put for the first time, in this regard development of the New paradigm of spiritual and moral safety of the country which would be an embodiment of mechanisms of preservation of national culture and spirituality, its strengthening and development in the conditions of strengthening of negative influence of globalization is necessary. Here information support of the population of the country is important qualitative


Committee of science of the Ministry of Education and Science of RK