If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly




Oranhai are subordinated to China. They live on the Big Kemkemshik, Kosogol and on the southern slopes of the Tannu-Ola mountains. They call themselves - Toba. They still speak on the ancient language. Below hoshoty (Districts): Hozot on the Kosogol; Halush, Erket, Hasut, Argymak, in the Tannu-Ola mountains; Oiyn, Erhet, Suyun, Choda, Salzhak - on the Big Ken River; Salzhak, Kyrgyz, Kul, Baygar on the Baykem river; Akshida, Karashida, Tuzshy, Kishik, Kashku, Erget, Saba, Karamonkish, Karamonkish, Keyde Orzhak, Gabalyk - in hoshone (District) Sayan Noyan; Kolot, Suyun, Karatolzhak, Kuzhigit, Saryhlar, Tungak, Huaular, Karasal, Adyntollosh , Tomat, Kyrgyz, Madi, Zhuda, on Kemkemshik in district (hoshot) Duan.

There is another nation that speaks a Turkic language and inhabits between the Kyrgyz-nur and Obsa-nur lakes. Mughals (Mongols) they call themselves Haton. They are the descendants of Turks that were captured by Kalmaks. They sow the wheat for the tore-“white bone: (Kalmatsk aristocrats). The nomads themselves. Today they are the sedentary (tillers) in the Dobbensk Uan-tore.

  From the book of Shakarim Kudayberdy-uly "Genealogy of Turks, Kyrgyz, Kazakhs and their Khan dynasties". Translation by B. Kairbekov. - Alma-Ata, Dastan JV, 1990