If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

League oh historians and social scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan

League oh historians and social scientists of the Republic of Kazakhstan - e-history.kz

Public association «League of professional historians and social scientists» was created at the initiative of collective of the Institute of History of State of the CS of the MES of the RK on April 28, 2009.

League’s main aims are research of historical and cultural values of people, analysis of social and political problems of contemporary Kazakhstan, expertise of works on historical theme in the sphere of science, literature and art.

League’s main goals are: investigation of historical and cultural heritage of Kazakhstan’s people; summarizing and promotion of experience of historical and social works; active organizational and methodological work on unification and coordination of activity of scientists and specialists in education; expert and analytical work in the sphere of science, culture, literature and art related to historical theme.

Individuals who have basic education on humanitarian specialty, scientific or academic degree, citizens of the Republic of Kazakhstan, foreigners and stateless people sharing League’s aims and who are in compliance with provisions of the Charter.

The League has its own seal with emblem and designation, stamp, official forms with designation, emblem, operating and foreign currency-denominated accounts in banks and other requisitions.

For the achievement of the aims defined in the Charter the League carries out the following types of activity: development of contacts between specialists through the organization of scientific seminars, round tables and courses in the form of «summer schools»; establishment of contacts with foreign colleagues, scientific and research centers, stimulation of exchange of scientific literature with foreign partners; participation in scientific-fundamental and scientific-applied researches, including foreign projects; rendering of various intellectual services; reviewing, composition of foreign scientific literature overview and annotated bibliographies; development of the sector of innovational scientific researches; creation of required conditions to support international activity of Kazakhstan’s experts in social science; development of supporting programs for young scientists; specialization, internship with the aim to obtain foreign experience, establishment of scientific contacts; organization of cycles of public lectures, exhibitions and presentations of new books, scientific and educational activity.

Ayagan Burkitbay Gelmanuly, Professor, Doctor of Historical Sciences, is a Chairman of the Public Association «League of professional historians and social scientists».

Material provided by the Institute of History of State of the CS of the MES of the RK.