If a nation does not know its history, if the country loses its history, then its citizens have nowhere to go.
Mirzhakyp Dulatuly

Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies

Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies - e-history.kz

Institute for PhilosophyandPolitical Science Committee of Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Kazakhstan was established in February 1999 on the basis of established in 1958 the Institute for Philosophy and Law, and the Institute for Philosophy in 1991. By the Decree of Kazakhstan Government in May, 2012 Institute was re-named to Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies.

The main objective of the Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies is conducting philosophical-ideological, philosophical- methodological, political science, religious studies and case studies aimed at the development of intellectual and moral capacity of Kazakhstan society.

Today, Institute for Philosophy, political science and religion studies is a professional scientific-research center. Institute works on three directions that define its structure: philosophy, political science and religion studies. Currently, the Institute employs 1 academician, 2 correspondent member of National Academy of Science of RK, 21 doctors, 13 candidates in science, 10 PhD doctorate candidates.

Currently, 24 scientific-research projects within the program of scholarship funding for the 2012-2014 years with the priority of «Intellectual potential of the country» are implemented and the work within the framework of inter-disciplinary scientific program «Scientific fund» are conducted by the InstituteResearchers publish the monographs and scientific articles on the issues of politics, science of education, culture, religion, Kazakh and world philosophy. Scientificpublicationsof the Institute researches are demanded in scientificrating editions of far and near countries.

Under the «Cultural Heritage» state program ten-volume collection of works called «Aristotle of the East» - al-Farabi, twenty volumes «World philosophical heritage», twenty volumes «The philosophical heritage of the Kazakh people» and other books were published by the Institute.

Institute publishes two magazines: «Adam alemi» and «Al-Farabi». The Institute has its own website in three languages: Kazakh, Russian and English, which presents a whole range of scientific activities of the Institute.

Institute closely cooperates with scientific-research structures of Russia, Belorussia, Azerbaijan, Kyrgyzstan, China, Germany, Turkey, Iran, Uzbekistan, Tajikistan and other countries.

Undergraduate students, master’s and doctors degree students from leading Kazakh universities, such Al-FarabiKazNU, AbaiKazNPU, AbylaikhanKazUIR& WL, KazATiSO are conducting their research work and are trained at the Institute for Philosophy, Political Science and Religion Studies.

The main directions of Institute activity 

1) Holding of philosophical-worldview, philosophical-methodological, political, religion studies and sociological studies aimed at sociocultural, sociopolitical progress and strengthening of independence of republic of Kazakhstan, development of intellectual and spiritual-moral potential of Kazakhstani society.

2) Realization of fundamental, applied and scientific-analytical elaborations of contemporary issues of world and domestic philosophy, political science, religion studies, cultural studies and sociology.

3) Studying of worldview and theoretical-methodological issues of Kazakh culture and philosophy.

4) Contributing of development of democratic processes, formation of main institutes of civil society in Kazakhstan, development of philosophical, political, spiritual and culture of society.

5) The analysis, monitoring and forecasting of socio-political situation in the Republic of Kazakhstan.