Pancratova Anna Mikhailovna

Name | Pancratova Anna Mikhailovna |
Birthday | 1897 |
Death day | 1957 |
The prominent Soviet historian, Corresponding Member (1939), Academician of the
Academy of Sciences of the USSR (1953). She studied the important
historical issues: the history of the Russian working class, its role in the
revolutionary process and the building of socialism, the
revolution of 1905-1907.
She graduated from the History Department of
the University of Odessa. (1917),
Studied at the
Institute of Red Professors (1922-1925),
Worked at the
Institute of History, the AS of the USSR(1939),
Was evacuated to
A. M. Pancratova paid a great attention to the preparation of historian sin the Republic,
At the XIX and XX Congress of the CPSU she was elected to the Central Committee of the party, was a deputy of the Supreme Council of the 4-th convocation, member of the Presidium of the Supreme Council of the USSR, Chairman of the Soviet Association for the United Nations Assistance, headed the National Committee of the Historians of the Soviet Union.
M. Pankratova was awarded the Order of Lenin, two Orders of the Red Banner of Labor, and medals. Honored Scientist of the RSFSR and the Kazakh SSR.
Main Studies:
Izistorii rabochego klassa irevoljucionnogo dvizhenija: M., 1958.
Akademija nauk SSSR: Personal'nyjsostav. 1917-1974.
Zhenshhiny. Revoljucionery i uchenye. M., 1982.
Otechestvennye istoriki XVIII- XX vv. M., 1984.